37 thoughts on “Rejoice

    1. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?

      The UK includes Northern Ireland. You’re thinking of Great Britain.
      I’d like a longer list of where you don’t live. It’s fascinating.

  1. Spaghetti Hoop

    Hilary Mantel described her as a “”shop-window mannequin” with no personality whose only purpose is to breed.”

    1. rotide

      Actually she said she was ‘forced to present herself as a shop-window mannequin’. Not quite the same thing.

      1. Spaghetti Hoop

        You’re absolutely right, apologies – I took that out of context and as a tabloid quote of her speech. Mantel was indeed referring to the press and public’s expectation of the woman.

  2. Nigel

    In fairness the jokes about freshly-hatched royal Lovecraftian abominations being fed the blood of screaming commoners were pretty entertaining last time.

    1. rotide

      They were.

      What is even more entertaining is the constant ‘only west brits care about the royals’ narrative and the constant bemoaning of British exploitation of Diana.

      1. realPolithicks

        “What is even more entertaining is the constant ‘only west brits care about the royals’ narrative and the constant bemoaning of British exploitation of Diana.”

        I have no idea if you are a “west brit” or not but this is your third comment on a story about members of the Brit “royal” family so its clear to see where you sympaties lie.

      1. Cian

        One of the exceptions is “•were conceived as a result of a non-consensual sexual act (including rape) or when you were in a controlling or coercive relationship”.
        I’d say that the second part is relevant.

  3. dav

    I’m sure leo will tweet about it, nothing about the thousands of irish children that are homeless due to his governments neglect…

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