6 thoughts on “8,270

  1. Cian

    Good news in Dublin – figures starting to reduce…
    Dublin 5,951 5,906 -45 -0.8%
    Midlands 128 118 -10 -7.8%
    Mid-East 315 310 -5 -1.6%
    North-East 175 173 -2 -1.1%
    Bad news in the west
    South-East 366 382 16 4.4%
    West 317 336 19 6.0%
    South-West 439 496 57 13.0%
    Mid-West 419 499 80 19.1%

    1. Cian

      ugh. formatting.
      44 fewer children homeless in Dublin. starting to move in the right direction.
      Huge jump in homeless children in Mid-West: (+65) and South-West: (+33)

  2. realPolithicks

    “44 fewer children homeless in Dublin. starting to move in the right direction.”

    I hope you’re being sarcastic…

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