Top obstetricians, including Dr Peter Boylan (top), call for a Yes vote on May 25.

Amy Rose Hart writes: .

The ‘Doctors Together For Yes’ video series aims to highlight the strength of support among Ireland’s medical community for a Yes vote. The first video features some of Ireland’s top obstetricians who state the 8th amendment makes it difficult to know when to intervene to save a woman’s life…


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41 thoughts on “Dr. Yes

  1. TheRealJane

    I had a depressing discussion with some no voters on Saturday. I had always worked under the assumption they would have found the treatment of women under the 8th as appalling as I do, but they actually find it fine that, for example, a woman was kept on life support while she disintegrated. They see it not as an outrage and an assault on decency, but a preferable outcome to both dying.

    I think there are some people, plenty of people, for whom the dignity and welfare of women is really not that big a deal.

    Personally, I was pretty upset by the attitude.

    1. Aisling

      +1 I still can’t get over that at one of the pro-life press calls they tried to pass that opinion off as normal.

    2. Martco

      yep I have a couple of people in my family circle who have this viewpoint. Older generation. It’s so far off the reservation it’s not worth argument as you know it would be just like Justin’s fictional rape impregnated 14y/o daughter scenario…you’re left open mouthed….I also have some who are conflicted by religion & some who state they can’t trust the government in the following steps (convenient excuse though imo)


      without exception my own children & their cousins & friends (whom I know well via family business matters) whom outnumber the NO’s above show zero doubts & are actively interested in getting out & voting YES.

      I think starting @ 18y/o it’ll be a wide gap for YES gradually reducing as the age/generations increase to 60 y/o with a swing to NO amongst the older.

      I think if the kids turn out & vote on volume it’s a YES result by a good margin

    3. SOQ

      Here is a question for those who might know.

      What sort of harmful illnesses might a woman have which cannot be treated while she is pregnant due to the 8th?

        1. Aisling

          A lot of medication can’t be taken while pregnant, including anti-seizure medicines used by epileptics, and anti-depressants both of wish shouldn’t just be stopped suddenly.

          1. Cian

            Hell, when you’re pregnant you are advised not to take any of the following:
            * Cheese
            * Pâté
            * Liver products
            * Supplements containing vitamin A
            * Some types of fish
            * Peanuts
            * Unpasteurised milk
            * Caffeine
            * Energy drinks
            * Pre-packaged salads
            * Sushi
            * Crack cocaine
            * Cold cured meats
            * Alcohol

            seriously? avoid these? But the ‘keep the 8th’ are telling us that prescription medications – that were never tested on pregnant woman – are perfectly safe?


          2. Nigel

            Crack Cocaine And Cold Cured Meats is like the title of the great rollicking unwritten D4 novel of the Celtic Tiger years.

      1. SOQ

        I know someone who had breast cancer while pregnant. I’m not sure if she choose to or not but she had to wait until the baby was born before she could begin chemo. She survived but it was rough and I expect a lot longer treatment than if six months earlier.

  2. Brother Barnabas

    but newsjustin keeps saying that it’s already perfectly legal to provide an abortion when necessary in ireland

    1. newsjustin

      I’m tickled that my views hold such sway amongst you all.

      Which Dr Peter Boylan should we belive here? The one in the video (the person who last week declared that a named woman had died due to the 8th Amendment. But then had to withdraw that claim when told that the woman died months before the 8th Amendment was voted upon)? Or the one who told the Oireachtas in 2013:

      “Ireland is not a chilling place. It is very good….I was asked if I had ever been able to intervene because of the current legal situation, to carry out a termination of pregnancy and the woman had died. I have not.”

        1. newsjustin

          What is irrelevant? That Dr Boylan gets important facts wrong and straightforward contradicts himself on the precise topic he is speaking on?

          Weird that you label that irrelevant.

      1. Cian

        To contextualise newsjustin’s ‘quote’.
        1. it was during the discussing of the Protection of Life during Pregnancy Bill 2013. It was relating to writing legislation within the confines of the 8th. And, as we know, the 8th allows abortion IF the woman’s life is in danger. What wasn’t under discussion then was if Dr Peter Boylan had ever seen a woman’s serious health put in danger because of her pregnancy.

        “Ireland is not a chilling place. It is very good, but it is not because of the facilities available or anything else; it is in spite of what Dr. Coulter-Smith has very eloquently and repeatedly drawn attention to in terms of deficiencies in services.

        I was asked if I had ever been unable to intervene because of the current legal situation, to carry out a termination of pregnancy and the woman had died. I have not, but I have personal, inside information and knowledge from the west of a woman who died last year because the doctors were unable to terminate the pregnancy because of the law.. “

      2. realPolithicks

        “I’m tickled that my views hold such sway amongst you all.”

        Its funny that you should make a comment like this, I’ve felt for a while that you had an oversized ego and enjoyed the attention you received as the resident anti choicer here on BS. However let me assure you newsjustin that I’ guessing the only “sway” you have on here is to confirm peoples feelings that the repeal of the 8th is essential so that the influence and views of people like you can no longer hold “sway” over the lives of the women of Ireland.

      3. Nigel

        You can believe Peter Boylan. You can’t believe pro-lifers who take his words out of context and use them in bad faith to suggest a non-existent contradiction. You used to have more integrity than this Justin.

        1. mildred st. meadowlark

          I was somewhat disappointed when he stated that the driving force behind his beliefs are his humanity. It’s a strange and selfish motive, or that was how I read it. That his humanity is more important than the welfare and rights of millions of women who live in this country. Is it humane to allow cases like Miss X and Miss Y and Savita to continue to happen, as they certainly will do under the 8th amendment. Is it humane to ask a doctor to wait until a woman’s life is in imminent before allowing that her life has greater value than the foetus? We consider it humane to permit abortions in animals for less, and yet we do not extend the same to women? How is that humane?

          1. Nigel

            The 8th is pure poison. Bringing it in when we already had an incredible restrictive abortion regime was an expression of open contempt for women, and for anyone who wasn’t a Catholic, fixed in the Constitution like a maggot. Claiming to be have secular reasons for opposing abortion and supporting the 8th are simply incompatible positions.

  3. Just Sayin

    If you’re gonna have a Dr. Yes, then please have a balancing Dr. No article.

    It’s a fine novel written 60 years ago,
    some pics of Ursula Andress from the movie would be nice also.

    1. Paulus

      The letters might spell out; Ursula Andress – but I always saw Arsula Undress.
      Was that just me?

      1. missred

        It was not just you Paulus, my dirty little mind thought exactly the same thing

  4. Daisy Chainsaw

    But none of them is wearing a stethoscope… How can we be sure they’re doctors? (see doctors against women’s healthcare vid)

  5. Cian

    So if a fertilized human egg has the same rights as a woman, does a fertilized poultry egg have the same value as a chicken?

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