25 thoughts on “A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away….

    1. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?

      They could use the spore drive like in Star Trek Discovery. That takes no time at all, sure.
      As an aside, I’m a BIG FAN of Anson Mount. He was also in Hell on Wheels which I watched for a while.

      1. Junkface

        Star Trek discovery has been infuriating! There are some great ideas for that show, and some of the cast are excellent, but they have basically turned the show into a moody soap opera, combined with a decent action Sci-Fi element. Why must we know the most personal feelings of the crew members? Especially the female characters and the gay characters? Star Trek was never about this. Its become so bloody tedious, and tacked on. Its fine to have characters from any background they want to reflect modern times, but do we really need this emotional detail and exposition? Its clumsy writing and cringe more than anything.

        1. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?

          Agreed. It’s the worst one I’ve watched. I’m really looking forward to the new TNG but the one I loved most was Deep Space Nine. That was a fantastic show: both story arcs and acting.

        2. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?

          Hang on, not agreed. Why do you single out the female characters and gay characters? Saru isn’t either of those things and there’s A LOT about him.

          1. Junkface

            Well, I’m only finished episode 5 of the new season. I singled out the female and gay characters because so far it has been the most covered, but very heavy handed, like badly written soap opera. Do you not think its patronizing? If it concentrates on Saru more after that, well I didn’t know. Maybe I’ll pick it up again, but I need a break from how annoying it had become. Especially episode 5.

            Star Trek is supposed to be about exploring the Galaxy, not each others feelings and relationships in excruciating detail. That’s a different show, its not Star Trek. If I wanted to watch a soap or an drama about relationships, gay or straight, I could find it somewhere else. But don’t shove it into a Sci-Fi show, its clumsy.

          2. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?

            Ep 6 goes back to Saru’s homeworld. It’s awful drivel. I’m just watching it until Spock comes into it, to see how that pans out.

          3. TheQ47

            I’m just watching it until Spock comes into it, to see how that pans out.
            You know that’s not going to be before the end of Season 2. We’ve got a while to wait.

          4. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?

            Oh really? I did NOT know that. Ah, God: my shoulders dropped when I read that.
            I saw Zachary Quinto in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. He has a deft comic touch. Gas.

          5. Termagant

            Saru’s episode has been the most tolerable of the season so far. It’s not a coincidence that it wasn’t centred on Michael like 99% of the show.

        3. rotide

          Spot on Junkface.

          I gave up halfway through the first season. I don’t want to watch a sci-fi show written by twitter.

          1. Junkface

            “I gave up halfway through the first season. I don’t want to watch a sci-fi show written by twitter.”

            rotide, this is perfect! That’s what its like

      2. Holden MaGroin

        “Why must we know the most personal feelings of the crew members? Especially the female characters and the gay characters?”

        Hello my name is Junkface and I’ve completely missed the point of Star Trek.

        1. Junkface

          What!? The point of Star Trek is to have a deep exploration of the characters feelings and love lives, will they get back together, will they not?

          Eh No, I think its about exploration of the universe, encountering new alien life forms, action, solving catastrophic events with science and technology, and lots of philosophy around life, death and war.

          Not reciting intimate first love memories of visiting galleries and cafes of the chief engineer while he’s trying to lure his ghostly dead boyfriend out from a haunted dimension, when they have seconds to save their entire ship from disaster! And it goes on, and on, and on like this until you have no crisps left to throw at the TV!!


          1. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?

            That scene drove me MAD! There they were, bouncing ideas around while their ship was being torn apart. HE’S DEAD! BEAM UP! Nobody cares!

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