The Undocumented


Migrants Rights Centre of Ireland tweetz:

This week, over SIX HUNDRED undocumented people sent these postcards to Ministers Flanagan & Humphreys to remind them that in communities, homes & businesses all over Ireland, undocumented people are doing work that is *essential* to Irish society. #TheOtherUndocumentedIrish

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19 thoughts on “The Undocumented

  1. Starina

    Nice. The undocumented people I’ve worked with have always worked as hard as horses and put up with a lot of crap because they won’t want to draw attention to themselves. Good to see the reminder that they’re there.

    1. Termagant

      Everyone should be deported except me and then I’ll deicde on a case-by-case basis who gets back in

  2. Brother Barnabas

    might be a good idea to add a trigger warning for Bertie

    *** Do Not Look at the Fingernails ***

  3. Truth in the News

    We export our own and accommodate everyone who decides to come and stay here
    as long as they are not Irish, its long past time there was a proper legal system to
    deport those who are aliens, who are economic migrants, and properly look after
    those who are legitimate refugees

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