Hata Fear Oráiste Winner


The votes are in.

Following last week’s controversial St Patrick’s MAGA hat competition.

‘Spaghetti Hoopwins the ‘cap of shame‘ – following a tense electoral college run off – with the following verse:

Trumpsters wear red,
But my cap is green,
Would ye send it to Fermanagh,
As a gift to Arlene?


Trumpsters wear red,
But my cap is green,
Groper they said
But Bill ain’t clean

A bonus Trump ‘Make Low Orbit Great Again’ Space Force cap to Angela Broderick for the above ditty.

Thanks all.

Thank you to Johnny-NY for purchasing the caps.

Last week: Our Cap Overfloweth

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5 thoughts on “Hata Fear Oráiste Winner

  1. Spaghetti Hoop

    Ha, thanks Broadsheet. Give that hat to Ian-o – he was drooling over it I recall.

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