All Art Is Pollocks


Evan ’Nerdwriter’ Puschak explains how the art world evolved from realism to abstract expressionism and so to the action paintings of Jackson Pollock.

Previously: How Michael Jackson Made A Song


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3 thoughts on “All Art Is Pollocks

  1. Lilly

    I love Jackson Pollock. That piece featured in this could be a painting of the famine. Did anyone see the documentary on the RHA’s annual exhibition last week? One of the judging panel said of a finger painting, ‘it’s a bit Jackson Pollock’ before rejecting it. Pfft…

    1. bertie blenkinsop

      I like Pollock too but I think the issue people might have is that it’s quite easy to replicate e.g. John Squire and The Stone Roses….
      Similarly Rothko (who I love) but I can see why others don’t.

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