This afternoon.


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37 thoughts on “Diagnosed

  1. Frank

    priority cases are taking at least 3 days to get a test and 3 days for the results.
    how did she get her test done and results back so urgently? are the rest of us getting bumped down the list so connected silly boo-boo pants can jump the queue.
    you can guarantee it.

      1. Frank

        Newstalk said it: “After suffering from flu-like symptoms over the past few days, @ciarakellydoc has just been diagnosed with #coronavirus

          1. Frank

            she was working on Friday.
            if up to that point she was experiencing flu like symptoms then she’s a very selfish spreader of the flu at best or covid19 at worst.

    1. Otis Blue

      Lamp? The ante has been upped.

      She’s broadcasting from her hot press at home in her pyjamas!

      Take that Claire Byrne.

  2. Hector Ramirez

    I’m sure I heard one of the HSE head honchos state that healthcare workers would be prioritised for tests (for I believe obvious reasons)

    Now whether they mean any healthcare worker or just the ones fighting on the frontlines.

    1. Frank

      send her to the frontline then. she’s infected she can look after the others similarly accursed.

  3. Lilly

    Which flu-like symptoms? Isn’t test only available to people who are feverish and coughing, with shortness of breath increasing odds.

  4. 01101101 01100011

    hm. 3 days to get the call + 3 days to get the results??

    how come this is so slow? is it kits, people or some sort of delay tactic (strategic as opposed to nefarious) any ideas lads?

    our own GP claims not to have any answers just that the referral deffo did get done

    1. some old queen

      It would make sense that those in high risk groups or those with serious symptoms would get priority. If you are relatively well and self isolating then you would not be deemed a high risk to either yourself or others.

      Has your GP called to check up on you at all?

      1. 01101101 01100011

        Hi some, no, I don’t think the phone mullarkey is working out anyway (see my earlier post if u can find) to be clear she’s already referred for the test. just now when we spoke to the GP the 2nd time at the doorstep we were told to hang in there and if it escalates to call 999. don’t get me wrong we’re not panicking her symptoms are holding steady…I’m just wondering how it’s working out in behind that’s all. I’ll readily admit bit stressful plus there’s 4 of us supposed to be in lockdown here…starting to notice how the pattern doesn’t match on the wallpaper in the living room ;)

        1. some old queen

          OK here is a little tip- worry is the most useless destructive feeling you can have, it serves absolutely no purpose. Acknowledge it when you feel it then in your head just tell it to go away.

          Things will work out- you’ll see.

          1. Harry M

            True mindfulness, but i always find it hardest to get into that frame of mind when i really need it :)

    2. Cian

      I suspect it is non trivial to set up a national testing program, where the requests come in from 1000s of GPs, the testing is then done by ambulance crews (I think – and it would take 2nd priority to people with injuries) and the samples then need to be brought to lab(s). On top of that, as SOQ said, you need to prioritise the high-risk.
      Not a simple task.

    3. Newname

      Hiya, I’m living in northern Italy, I know here they just can’t keep up with the demand for testing, so for people who look like they will recover by themselves, the test just keeps being bumped down the list.
      Even if you are really ill with it, my friend had a fever and similar to chest infection for 2 weeks, they tried him on 3 different meds before he stated responding. They just have to prioritise healthcare workers since they can’t afford any of them to be off work if not absolutely necessary, or anyone who looks like they might die. So on the plus side, if you haven’t been rushed for testing maybe that is a good thing?

    1. Matt Pilates

      Get well. Might be advisable not to broadcast or write anything for several months; rest up.

    2. some old queen

      Back in the day, when people tested + for HIV, they kept a secret for most of the rest of their lives.

      Now, with COVID 19- as they line up to declare their status, it is near viewed as a way to promote if not yourself then at the very least, your career.

      Was this wan at Cheltenham by any chance? She looks the sort.

      1. Harry M

        she was unnecessarily mean to teachers, and form what i have seen teachers are bending over backwards at second level to create virtual classrooms

      1. V

        Not that I know of

        I was being a bit catty there Janie
        with the whole Clare isolating with cast and crew from her fancy shed -v- Ciara with a positive diagnosis via a a selfie stick from her hot press

        I wouldn’t want anyone to fall ill
        the difference between mild Corona and Corona XXL is fatal

        So I shouldn’t be messing and taking the p155
        sorry if I offended or hurt anyone

  5. Lilly

    Just back from quick run to the shops. Found it difficult to keep social distance with George Lee clogging up the aisle chewing the fat with some couple he ran into. Tsk.

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