13 thoughts on “Bin The Poo

    1. millie in quarantine

      At least they have been picked up and efforts made to dispose of them. Infinitely preferable to a schmear of dogshite on one’s shoe, don’t you think?

  1. Pat O'Kelly

    At least its binned
    In my local park (Tymon) poo bags are scuttered (sorry scattered) everywhere
    It’s bag and bin
    I just wonder at the mentality of those who bag the poo and then just drop ii on paths at park benches or throw it up into trees or whatever

    1. paul

      “not my problem anymore”

      Whenever I see bags of poo in trees/bushes or not picked up on the path, I can only imagine that someone at home has to pick up after the person responsible. If they can’t look after a dog then they shouldn’t have one.

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