The mesmerising layered fruit and braided dough creations of pastry chef Karin Pfeiff-Boschek.

Coloured with freeze-dried berries, spinach, and beetroot, each pie takes between two and six hours to assemble and decorate.

You may also like the equally impressive work of Lauren Ko.


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6 thoughts on “Elegant Pies

    1. V'ness

      No reason why we shouldn’t be lashing even nicer stuff than that out
      like that top one is easily done if you’ve the kitchen to yourself

      I’ve always been of the view that Pastry is our specialist bake
      Or at least should be

      Like we’ve no tradition of enriched fancy breads and plaits
      Or recognised Irish signatures, or festival bakes,
      Like other countries,
      Strudel, Pavlova, Dundee Cake, Panettone, all the Patisserie ranges, Challah, Zopf all the Italians, Bagels and Danishes

      Our baking tradition is a product of our famine history, Soda Breads. And our festival bake was a communion wafer.
      then came the Wedding Cake & Christmas Cake
      anyway, whatever; said all that before

      All that looks great but doesn’t guarantee there isn’t a soggy bottom

      We have the best quality ingredients to produce the best Pastry, so I wouldn’t allow anyone think our output is any the less ’cause they don’t look like the above
      And there is no way they assembled that fruit without it being sealed or dyed

      Do a few cuts outs
      Colour some pastry
      Lets see it,

      There ye go, Broadsheet Lockdown Challenge

      1. Janet, I ate my avatar

        I have the perfect freezing cold hands for pastry work but lack the patience, more of a rough puff ya know

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