Staying In Tonight?


Course you are.

Broadsheet on the Telly returns at 9.30pm with another lockdown special streaming LIVE here (above) and on our YouTube channel.

Join old friends, new pals and domestic pets as we rejoice in Phase 3.

Please maintain an approved distance.

Hosted by Neil Curran.

Previously: Broadsheet on the Telly

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6 thoughts on “Staying In Tonight?

      1. SOQ

        After management pleaded with the HSE for PPE, TWENTY FOUR people died in my local nursing home. That was largely preventable because a very similar scaled home just north of the border had zero infections let alone deaths.

        I make no apologies for asking who is responsible.

        1. Vanessanelle

          Time and Place Same’oh

          but manners, decency and integrity were never your strong point
          as for your sense of fair play and timing on this occasion, at the very least
          Tiernan McCann is only walking behind ya

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