33 thoughts on “Defiant Broth

  1. Brother Barnabas

    does it count its intentionally arranged that way?

    needs to be serendipitous happenstance

    so, no, sorry

    1. Bertie Theodore Alphege Blenkinsop

      Next week:
      Look at this flag I bought in Carrolls that looks like the tricolour…..

  2. ian-oh

    Celery, the food of political extremists of any flavour.

    If I think about it, its probably the only food I am utterly incapable of eating. Not a fan of some things but if I taste that in something its almost like (but its not really) an allergic reaction and I automatically spit it out I detest the taste so much. Have made a bit of a scene in more than one eatery over this.

    Vile, rancid and rank. Satans sausage, the Divils dong, Lucifers langer…..


    1. Vanessanelle

      Paul Hollywood has a great recipe for Celery Soup btw

      And I don’t mind it with salt and peanut butter meself
      Now ye know why I’m not a size 10 (⊙o⊙)

      Wah how ya lads
      Chocolate week tonight in the tent

        1. Janet, dreams of big guns

          I thought she meant Paul Hollywood covered in peanut butter ( I would …once …for the craic like )

          1. Janet, dreams of big guns

            so do I !
            I can change their minds with my cauliflower, broccoli and cheese bake

      1. millie madonna

        I don’t really like it myself but, weirdly, soup/stew doesn’t taste right without it.

        I don’t understand why a bowl of wings always comes adorned with a stick or three of raw celery. No one ever eats it.

        1. Cian

          As a child I hated celery; but since i grew up I like it. And am happy to eat the celery with chicken wings! ;-)

  3. theo kretschmar schuldorff

    Next week’s main ingredient: Great bear

    (I think that’s now Darina lost her arm)

  4. Charger Salmons

    A stick of celery in a Bloody Mary is really the only time it is remotely palatable.
    And even then only if the drink is so strong it rattles your fillings on the way down.
    Some loon of a Harley Street doctor concerned about my BP once gave me the recipe for pizza made with a grated cauliflower base.
    We both laughed.

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