This morning.

A 28-year-old man has admitted murdering an 11-year-old boy in the south of the country over a year ago.

Neither can be named owing to Section 252 of the Children Act, 2001 which prohibits the identification of child victims including a deceased child.

Via RTÉ News:

The man was arraigned before the Central Criminal Court today via video-link from prison.

He pleaded guilty to murdering the boy, who cannot be named because he is a minor, in the south of the country on 3 November 2019.

Furthermore, Mr Delaney said that there was a certain “family relationship” between the accused and deceased and as a result the accused man could not be named in the context of the location of the offence.

Man admits murdering 11-year-old boy in 2019 (RTÉ)

Previously: Protecting Whom?

Pic: Central Criminal Court

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12 thoughts on “Nameless

  1. Daisy Chainsaw

    That act needs to be changed fast because it’s not about protecting dead children. It must be heartbreaking for that boy’s family that he goes unnamed.

      1. bribri

        I don’t believe that is the case as his Mum has done interviews in the past about it. But maybe she feels differently about it now.

    1. dan

      I think that the legality of naming the victim was judged to be unconstitutional quite recently, therefore there was no restriction on names when the poor child was murdered.

      1. ReproBertie

        Exactly this. The change was only recent and you can’t retroactively enforce it so at the moment it makes little sense but for future cases it will do what is intended.

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