A Limerick A Day


Australian woman An Gie Yen (above) now “sounds very Irish” after having her tonsils removed

Have you heard the tale of An Gie Yen?
She had tonsil surgery and then
Her accent went rogue
She developed a brogue
Though I hope she recovers again

John Moynes

Pic: Twitter

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5 thoughts on “A Limerick A Day

  1. U N M U T U A L

    There’s a lady from down under
    Claims her voice, fell asunder
    She says its no joke
    The doc rules out a stroke
    So it might be hard to debunk her.

  2. Paulus

    An antipodean with a pain in her throat
    Thought she’d try a prescribed antidote
    But since this operation
    Her resulting oration
    Makes her sound like a young wan from Moate.

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