18 thoughts on “El Trabajo Del Diablo

  1. phoneholder

    I’m currently walking around with my phone stuck to my chest and spoon to my arm and I haven’t got the vaccine yet. This is great way of holding my phone, thanks for the tip.

  2. newsjustin

    I’m shocked that it stuck to the sweaty, chubby guy holding his arm off vertical.

  3. Joe

    Bodger scraping the bottom of the barrel again.
    The same Mexican show has a nice youtube video on contact with Space Aliens!

    Human gullibility (especially Bodgers) knows no bounds putting up that rubbish on vaccine magnetism.

    Anyone can can display their “magnetism” in the same way and as a child it was my favourite party trick.
    Here is one of the ways anyone can show their joke vaccine magnetism

    How about Bodger posting something on spoon bending? though that fad went out years ago.
    They can blame it on the vaccines giving people vaccination mind control powers to bend spoons…the spoons are really 5G aerials or whatever bull droppings that Bodger wants to post.
    I expect some people would actually believe the lies based upon their comments here.

  4. f_lawless

    I posted a similar comment the other day but for what it’s worth, throwing in my two cents here too..

    My initial reaction to the post-vaccination magnet phenomenon was that it was probably just people spoofing, an internet fad. But after having now seen 100s perform it and by those who just don’t appear to fit the profile of irresponsible hoaxer-types – such as a Dr Roberto Petrella, an Italian doctor, based in Teramo, Italy, to give one example – I’m more inclined think that, although it clearly doesn’t appear to happen for everyone, there is nevertheless something to it. What’s causing it is the question.

    I know the old saying, ‘you can’t believe anything you see on the internet’ but at the same time video footage shouldn’t automatically be dismissed outright just by virtue of it being something on the internet.

    For example in this video, various people are approached in a London park, and asked if already vaccinated, whether they would agree to partake in the magnet test. The magnets are seen to stick at the vaccination point. The people are given the opportunity to do the test by themselves and confirm to the camera they can feel the pull of the magnet on their skin at same point on their arms. For some a small metal object also sticks. At one point, the magnet is even seen to wobble slightly in a close up as it passes along the vaccination site.

    Watching the footage, the reactions of the people appear perfectly genuine and the conversations unfold completely naturally. it doesn’t seem credible that they’re are all acting out a prearranged, sophisticated hoax. Along with the other footage I’ve seen, my gut instinct is that there’s something to it and that it should warrant further investigation.

    Have a look an judge for yourself:

      1. f_lawless

        Anything to add to the discussion Tony or just came here to snipe? Have you heard of “Magnetofection”? It’s a technology that’s apparently been around since the early 2000’s and has applications in the medical field of gene therapy. Prior to 2020, the mRNA Covid vaccines would have been referred to as a form of “gene therapy” before they were rebranded as”mRNA Vaccines” . Have you any technical input to offer as to why magnetofection can be ruled out as a potential cause?


        “Magnetofection is a simple and highly efficient transfection method that uses magnetic fields to concentrate particles containing nucleic acid into the target cells..

        Magnetofection has been adapted to all types of nucleic acids (DNA, siRNA, dsRNA, shRNA, mRNA, ODN), non viral transfection systems (transfection reagents) and viruses. It has been successfully tested on a broad range of cell lines, hard-to-transfect and primary cells.[1][3] Several optimized and efficient magnetic nanoparticle formulations have been specifically developed for several types applications such as DNA, siRNA, and primary neuron transfection as well as viral applications. “

    1. f_lawless

      Could this be a potential explanation:

      An already established scientific method called “magnetofection” closely connected to DNA & mRNA vaccines.

      eg. A 2014 paper published on a US government website :


      “The efficiency of delivery of DNA vaccines is often relatively low compared to protein vaccines. The use of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) to deliver genes via magnetofection shows promise in improving the efficiency of gene delivery both in vitro and in vivo…”

      If the process of magnetofection is being used in the mRNA covid vaccines to deliver the highly unstable mRNA into the cells of the body, perhaps the post-vaccination magnetic phenomenon being observed is some kind of residual effect? If it is being used, it would make a mockery of informed consent , I would have thought

      1. f_lawless

        Ah, another “fact-checker” website, the refuge of those with underdeveloped critical thinking faculties who want to be told what to think. This time it’s a page that says “read full article” but the link is broken. You clearly didn’t even click on it yourself before deciding to share it. Any thoughts of your own on the London park video or even the scientific method “magnetofection”? Probably too much to ask

        1. Daisy Chainsaw

          Purveyors of batplop and woo are, of course, allergic to fact checker sites because it shows up their scutter as batplop and woo!

          If you believe phones and spoons stick to injection sites, then there is no hope for you.

          1. Steph Pinker

            Hahaha, Daisy, you and I need to collaborate on a TV mini-series about a couple of ethnic minority tailors with a bespoke service offered solely to those who hang left or right on a windy day – we should call the business ‘Batplop & Woo – Purveyors of Checks, Stripes and Avin’a Laff’.

            I don’t think we’d be very busy in real life, but it might get some viewers… whaddya think?

            P.S. I doubt if we’d be held responsible for spoons or rule of thumb measurements, but I’ll look into it.

  5. Hector Rameriz

    I tried it, probably too late for me as I have had the 1st dose of vaccine. Spoon doesn’t stick to my arm, neither does my phone.

    Take that as you will, I don’t care but just saying it didn’t magnetise me. Obviously, bill gates’ quality control isn’t up to scratch when it seems to have omitted the magnet or the chip/pin from my shot.

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