Junior Cohort [Updated]


This afternoon.


Anti covid response protest in Dublin city last month

This morning.

Via RTÉ News:

The largest number of Covid-19 cases were seen in those aged 0-12 years in the two weeks to last Monday, latest figures show.

Of the 18,524 cases reported, 5,103 were in those up to 12 years of age.

The 5-12 year age group represented over 21% of all the cases reported, according to the Health Protection Surveillance Centre.

Under-12s account for more than 20% of recent Covid cases (Fergal Bowers, RTÉ)



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66 thoughts on “Junior Cohort [Updated]

  1. SOQ

    Covid cases meaningSARS-Cov-2 positive PCR tests.

    Most of whom probably wouldn’t even have known if they had not been tested.

    The propaganda begins…

      1. Nigel

        ‘Use Of Set In Media Event Is So Casual And Unremarkable That Nobody Bothers To Hide It But We’re Going To Treat It As A Sensational Revelation.’

          1. Nigel

            So long as nobody used a televison set to make a televison broadcast because that would show the whole thing to be a fraudulent psyop!

          2. Nigel

            You really need to be more critical of your news sources, there, otherwise, yeah, fact and fiction will become interchangeable to you.

      2. scottser

        you have a habit of leaving useless junk everywhere. you did the same with that maricopa audit – ‘i’ll just leave this here’. you obviously live at home and your mammy picks up after you.

    1. Micko

      Ireland has just extended the “option” to use the emergency powers until January 2022 – that’s with 74% fully vaccinated,

      Yet, Denmark is open and back to normal with 75% fully vaccinated.


      France has just extended their powers until next SUMMER! – with. 66% fully vaccinated.

      Yet, the UK is open and back to normal with only 66% fully vaccinated.


      Even the most ardent supporter of lockdowns and restrictions would have to wonder what the hell is going on?

    2. K. Cavan

      Yes, “Cases” is a medical term & like all medical & scientific terms it has a clearly-defined meaning which specifically includes the presence of symptoms. No symptoms, no “case”. An asymptomatic case is something that only exists in Medialand.

  2. GiggidyGoo

    Have to suit the narrative. In July the surge was in 16-18 years old. https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-40339181.html and Ronan Glynn said Covid cases are the highest they have been since the middle of last February: “We are seeing particularly high incidence in people aged 16 to 30,” (The very ones that were being cajoled into taking the vaccines.)
    Next will be ‘highest cases in sperm count’

          1. GiggidyGoo

            Who is he / she?
            Can you provide a link (that you’ve actually examined before posting it, unlike your Donegal link the other day)?

          2. Rosette of Sirius

            Ah sure the right link from Donegal was posted eventually. The outcome remained unchanged however as he was still dead.

            Anyways, using these immortal words when it comes to obtaining a greater understanding of a subject, in this case Nicki Minaj – do your own research.

          1. Verbatim

            “As we stand now, there is absolutely no reported such side effect or adverse event of testicular swelling in Trinidad” – Dr Terrence Deyalsingh, Trinidad’s Health Minister

  3. E'Matty

    The propaganda is so utterly blatant now in cajoling the next cohort to get the jab, yet most just go along with it. When the under 12s are at next to no risk from the virus and there is no evidence yet that the vaccines actually prevent Long Covid, how can anyone in their right mind consider vaccinating these kids? Even many who have received the vaccines themselves must have some doubts over going down this path. As a country, are we seriously going to start injecting these vaccines into primary school kids?

  4. just millie

    You mean in children? Back in school? When they inevitably pick up every infection known to mankind over a six week period?

    Shocking. Absolutely shocking.

    1. freewheeling


      And when they’re all being contact-traced and tested from school.


      “A novel best-case scenario cost-benefit analysis showed very conservatively that there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic. The risk of death from COVID-19 decreases drastically as age decreases, and the longer-term effects of the inoculations on lower age groups will increase their risk-benefit ratio, perhaps substantially.”

      Unforgivable if they go ahead injecting kids, given what is now known about these vaccines.

  5. Frank

    If the virus poses zero risk to children and the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission.
    Then what is the benefit of children taking it??

    1. Kim The Cardassian

      Given that vaccines do reduce transmission (including the Delta variant) with the most recent studies showing that VE_estimates increase to >90% following mRNA vaccination [1], While for most children, the symptoms of Covid-19 are mild, viral loads can be high which leads to transmission [2].

      While the risk to healthy children is low, as healthy unvaccinated children can get Covid-19 and transmit the virus to vulnerable classmates and other risk groups among teachers and school staff (including those who have diabetes or heart conditions) [3]

      I hope this addresses your question.

      [1] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.08.060

      [2] https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S0264410X21011087?token=4E3CD496F558F7A3A7104BBAC856679E57B6CF35E2105FFB6E74867BFAD779C987B45ED4B31124242DC37E851D1F109F&originRegion=eu-west-1&originCreation=20210929114016

      [3] https://watermark.silverchair.com/lsaa025.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAsQwggLABgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggKxMIICrQIBADCCAqYGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMbcV16S6uNBGELbYQAgEQgIICd6ADxYnXbBXETE8yHNO2G2jOE95tNW9bZbGA1fkeAWD6nFdbpxNmBMWoJQ6DgS3GgqFDy4_5H70yd5mqaROzKTZuX7W_FvlX1Q2cMRbZFcUasd_Q9LzYkYmF3loptKbiDamDRfxCC4KpJkk8KQ0At79F-pm9aEqatWOZAJMkc3ll_Gzxx0FS4vbccendD14kiywPxRj-a6ONeJDpNKlT0htUBPHFKSp4qv6y8lPMh3xifAz5UixKbQhzYhq9pH6xma0grGmlxtEwNmiuk89Ep3LhKawvkhJgSOp6bB3y2jdJWBMeGqGF_Q8y9kGK6LPOZSZpsmzzBOTiNKl-3bPkQ79zPZnzkZO5_yWszZ_DZ-c2zH7GbkUyOzdIKoiTRzjUJVLtwo9BQmh6jJqTIGGfV5vV1EYgCkeVvMkNhhz8-WVjjnOyNr0enAE2fjpaWZf2kubcrQG_86Mirku3xA73MKxqD1E_inGwVHJqNbIu-9OvbkGxjNNpVk7GFVJm29EKAc2rYiptI0rLSrODC3MQxM0FXhScnt1rwGi4u7W6mIx4QB1-YfXCZ0YGHnXlJ9Ca6toUteqnS-PEBraEPWaFNn0G4U6oQfmmgkI4uEWUwEVmIkLXtszUzhHS3wu62XEoapCjXDuzxVhhLnEwKKDLngLWP172tMz0l71eP8nZhjXEUAeKticiUdU3VAsuyuYU08u8r4YdyOx2qHPQ_9OwHHmELbGxIK_fg3vmuPu2KKWnA3R0FZWGsUSDjjhYjxnpQ5GpDiyRKpi7w_m7Ez7hhQwpKvdr4CMTmdmIkyT4ruG8HKDZSEwg7tZ8RzVM-C6Ahh_ddNtM94w

      1. SOQ

        The vaccines do not prevent transmission, otherwise why does Israel with over 80% of over 12s vaccinated, have the highest infection rate ever?

        1. Nigel

          Vaccines do reduce transmission, you’re just not actually interested in whatever’s actually going on in Israel.

          1. SOQ

            So assuming they do- even marginally- is that a reason to injure and probably kill children? Because that is exactly what is going to happen.

          2. Nigel

            It might, it might not, but since you have absolutely no interest in either the reality of the pandemic or the reality of the vaccines, it’s all a bit moot.

          3. Nigel

            It’s amazing how many of your comments are triumphant celebrations of your complete inability to persuade people that you’re right.

          4. E'Matty

            So to effect a small reduction in transmission, to protect old people who’ve already lived full lives, you want young kids under 12 injected with these vaccines, with all of the risks this involves? You and Krazy Kim above want to use little children as human shields to theoretically protect old and fat people who’ve lived decades already. Sounds like a really moral position there Nigel. At least history will record digitally who it was that supported this psychotic drive to inject these vaccines into perfectly healthy young kids at no risk to themselves from the virus. If one kid dies of a blood clot, that will be on you guys.

          5. Nigel

            I definitely support vaccinating under 12s with potential underlying conditions, something that should be left to the responsibility of parents/guardians and medical professionals.

            ‘If one kid dies of a blood clot, that will be on you guys.’

            Does that mean if any kids die of covid, or gives covid to family members who then die, it’s on you guys? Is that guy who bought into all the antivaxx disinformation and caught covid and left the hospital rather than get treated and then died on you guys?

          6. Nigel

            ‘I’m not trying to persuade anyone, just countering nonsense is work enough.’

            Whatever you think you’re doing, celebtrating your failure to do it is a bit odd.

          7. chris

            I’m not celebrating and you didn’t answer the question I posed. Bloviating really does seem to be your speciality.

          8. SOQ

            Those who are arguing for the vaccination of children on VERY questionable grounds are going to have blood on their hands- that is as clear as it can be stated.

            It is disgustingly selfish.

            And there is no point in saying maybe- by the law of averages it is going to happen- we already have young deaths due to vaccinations, and there will be more.

            I repeat- If you feel that placing children at risk of injury so you can feel safe and you can feel secure then YOU are the problem- not a virus.

          9. Nigel

            If you’re going to use the law of averages to condemn otherwise beneficial activities, you’ve pretty much given up on any kind of a fair or reasonable approach to life in general. Think of all the people Alexander Fleming effectively murdered with penicillin.

        1. Cian

          What the CDC said:

          Fully vaccinated people with Delta variant breakthrough infections can spread the virus to others. However, vaccinated people appear to spread the virus for a shorter time: For prior variants, lower amounts of viral genetic material were found in samples taken from fully vaccinated people who had breakthrough infections than from unvaccinated people with COVID-19. For people infected with the Delta variant, similar amounts of viral genetic material have been found among both unvaccinated and fully vaccinated people. However, like prior variants, the amount of viral genetic material may go down faster in fully vaccinated people when compared to unvaccinated people. This means fully vaccinated people will likely spread the virus for less time than unvaccinated people.

          (my emphasis)


  6. Zaccone

    Didn’t the government repeatedly say in April there was no risk to kids from covid from going back to school, that parents had nothing to be afraid of – that kids under 12 weren’t at risk?

    Bit of a narrative change…

      1. Daisy Chainsaw

        Janey! He sounds about one rant away from going postal. Just as well he doesn’t have access to guns.

          1. SOQ

            Only one other uses that phrase on here- already admitted to having numerous profiles- quite pathetic really.

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