Tag Archives: Nick Denton

If we could understand what he was talking about.

On the flip side [Nick] Denton [Gawker founder] says that, “There are stories our writers are afraid to write because they’re afraid of jeers from the commenters.” In his business, being scared to write controversial content is a detriment to the bottom line.

The solution gawker.com is about to deploy to clean the comment wasteland involves making commenters responsible for their own content. Each comment can be spun off into separate discussions where the commenter has the power to lead the conversation.

“We want to create rights and responsibilities within threads,” Denton says. Another piece of this system is something Denton dubbed “fractional commenting”.



We literally haven’t a clue how this works.

But we’re stoked.

Gawker Gets Serious About Commenting (NowToronto)