Return Of The MAC


Well I tried to tell you so.

Yes I did.

This afternoon.

Further to yesterday’s MAC address pandemonium

KN writes:

I was wondering how everyone did with the challenge? Did those numbers [MAC addresses] appear on Bluetooth with the vaccinated?


Any excuse.

Yesterday: Why Don’t You Find Our For Yourself

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60 thoughts on “Return Of The MAC

  1. curmudgeon

    IT Pro here: The 1st half of any MAC address is the manufacturer code, so it is indeed going to be the same on many peoples devices. If the second half matches too, I suggest doing the lotto.

  2. ProfessorMark

    God this is peak Broadsheet stupidity. What happened to the fun, balanced, slightly off centre stuff?

    1. Bodger

      This harmless challenge is making people very angry. Just do it, report back and we’ll talk no more of it.

  3. George

    Surely the simple solution is take your five year old android phone to a vaccine center. With all the vaccines stored their the amount of Bluetooth number must be enormous.

    If I get an old android phone can I listen to Spotify though my vaccine’s Bluetooth connection?

  4. Kali

    So what’s the theory? The vaccine contains a bluetooth transmitter plus battery? I’m stumped by this one. I haven’t worked much with bluetooth but I’m pretty sure you can do a bit of recon and get the device details with an android app. Why not give that a go while you’re at it

    1. Chris

      Spitballing but if it was to be the case, powered by chemical reactions in the blood. There were videos of slides with vaccine samples, microscopic moving components – and a type of crystal lattice structure that grew over time when dried out. It looked legit but I don’t know, could also have been black propaganda.

      It was a German symposium, with various lab techs zooming in their findings from late last summer.

          1. George

            If he was one of the foremost expert he will have published many peer reviewed paper on Graphene. Where are they? I can’t find any.

          2. SOQ

            Did you watch the actual video?

            “I am a specilist in activated carbon. In my doctoral thesis, I have converted graphen oxide to graphene hydroxide. I joined the world’s leading activated carbon manufacturer. After a year I was in charge of new activated carbon products. We bought a small company in Durham, near Newcastle, England. I was in charge of “new carbon products”, Europe-wide. I was in application scouting.”

        1. Chris

          @ maura What they claim and what is actually possible maybe very different things. Whatever side of the narrative you find yourself on, they’re trying to create fear. I’ve seen no proof of concept yet for the graphene stuff, we’ll see.

          1. f_lawless

            Chris, I wouldn’t bother responding to that individual. Unlike yourself, they’re not here for honest engagement

            They “did a bit of digging” on graphene oxide and arrived at Over Dee Wall’s website? Just another time-wasting troll who thinks they’re being clever

      1. jungleman

        Haha!! Genuinely hilarious post..

        You do realise Bodger is just trying to get a rise out of people with this one? You’re only letting the antivaxxer side down when you actually fall for it hook line and sinker.

          1. Micko

            “ You do realise Bodger is just trying to get a rise out of people with this one?”

            JAQ? Moi? Non…

    1. Bodger

      Via KN: ‘This is not true. My neighbours come up with the exact same MAC address every time I check.’

  5. Janet, dreams of an alternate universe

    Well I just walked all over town with my Bluetooth on cause I tried this last night and forgot to turn it off ! How afraid should I be !

      1. Janet, dreams of an alternate universe

        well it eats your battery and makes your phone more vulnerable, for example when my phone was released it was early on plenty of time to find hacks and vulnerability

        1. V aka Frilly Keane

          I still get 20 hrs
          And I’ve two chips

          And am never off it
          And not just calls n’ twitter
          Ebaying and Bloggarding

          Like editing on the fly
          Downloading client / work / meeting docs

      2. TenPin Terry

        V – does your Bluetooth light up like a Chinese lantern when it connects with another ‘phone containing an original recipe for Spotted Dick ?
        C’mon, don’t be coy.

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