Was It For This?


This morning.

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh.

Wild geese fleeing (out of picture).

NI centenary: Boris Johnson and Simon Coveney in Armagh for cross-community service of reflection and hope (Belfast Telegraph)

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16 thoughts on “Was It For This?

  1. Johnny

    ‘The only people worthy of freedom are those who are prepared to go out and fight for it every day, and die if necessary‘

    Get off your knees Coveney.

    Rest in power Máire Drumm,murdered in her hospital bed by the brits on Oct 26.


  2. des

    Coveney personifies all that the Blueshirts crave.

    Just like his dad.

    A United Ireland under the Union Jack

  3. Shitferbrains

    Good to see the fight-to-the -last-drop-of -someone- elses- blood commenteriat out in the fresh air of Broadsheet.

  4. goldenbrown

    the Ulster Taliban

    for such a small sect they seriously punch above their weight don’t they…there can’t be too many parallels of this in modern life

    look at all the real power they have, how they manage to make a Goliath like the EU pay attention, how they make our nervous lil administration regularly jump thru hoops…and just look at what they managed to orchestrate here…

    Reconciliation etc.? nah, it’s Compliance

  5. GiggidyGoo

    12:15 hrs. RTE 1 TV. Advertised is ‘Only Fools and Horses’ as currently showing. It’s a live broadcast of St. Patricks Cathedral, Armagh.

    1. Shitferbrains

      Why ? They voted for it several times. Unionists didn’t vote to change the status quo, nationalists did. Then they voted to get rid of the ridiculous Articles 2 & 3 and finally they voted for the Belfast Agreement which recognises Northern Ireland.

  6. Free Lunch

    Of course, they will send Blueshirts to suck up to these people. It’s an investment. As soon as a United Ireland happens (and yes, it will), FG will ironically do very well with an increased electorate that is of their toxic conservative oeuvre. AND THAT IS THE ONLY WAY FG can deal with SF – with a United Ireland of a million more FG voters.

    In the meantime, Coveney are the other one in attendance are saps and #notmygovernment.

    1. SOQ

      I am not so sure about that. NI politics is a strange beast when you strip away the nationalism- on both sides.

      Take the infamous Vaccine Passports for example- the only party in favour is the SDLP. And all of the parties right across the board are extremely supportive of the NHS- private health care is marginal. Social housing sits at 16% of all stock while is only about 3% in ROI.

      On some issues, they are collectively much more closer to a Social Democrat model than in ROI.

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