Tag Archives: Amnesty International

“Ireland should change the law to allow women and girls access to safe, legal abortions. Pregnant women and girls risk putting their health and lives in danger if they remain in Ireland, Amnesty International said today in a report on the country’s abortion law.”

“The report She is not a criminal: The Impact of Ireland’s abortion law documents shocking cases of Irish authorities denying women and girls necessary healthcare in order to prioritize the life of the foetus – which is protected by an amendment to Ireland’s constitution added in 1983.

Only allowing abortion if the woman’s life is at risk, Ireland’s abortion law is one of the most restrictive in the world, forcing at least 4,000 women and girls to travel outside the country for an abortion every year at considerable mental, financial and physical cost. Women and girls who cannot travel are left without access to necessary health treatment, or risk criminal penalties if they undergo illegal abortions at home.

Read the full report here

Ireland’s abortion laws treat women like criminals (Amnesty International Ireland)

Ireland’s abortion regime ‘violates human rights’, says Amnesty (Kitty Holland, Irish Times)