Irish Start-up Of The Day: Clinch



Clinch is a new Irish recruitment jobs site.

Damien Glancy, their CTO says:

Born from the notion that “hiring shouldn’t suck,” Clinch offers a hiring experience that is more engaging, more honest, and basically more human – for both jobseeker and employer alike. Our in-house photographers and copywriters work alongside companies to create a profile on Clinch that provides unique insight into their workplace and culture. For the job seekers themselves,
Clinch provides a sort of “window on the workplace,” allowing them to get a real feel for the company and the people who work there. The more informed people are, the better choices they can make when it comes to submitting job applications.

Their robots.txt though shows their true feelings stripped of the marketing:

#     ____ _ _            _       _
#    / ___| (_)_ __   ___| |__   (_) ___
#   | |   | | | '_ \ / __| '_ \  | |/ _ \
#   | |___| | | | | | (__| | | |_| | (_) |
#    \____|_|_|_| |_|\___|_| |_(_)_|\___/
#                 -___________-
#                (/     _     \)
#                /_____(O)_____\
#                // / / | \ \ \\
#               =================
#               // / | | | | \ \\      "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! ALL RECRUITERS!"
#              ===================    /
#             //// || || || || \\\\
#             |||| || || || || ||||
#            /---___-----------,---\
#            |  /   \         -o-  |
#            /  \___/          '   \
#            +---------------------+
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#         /_    ___    ___    ___    _\
#        (__)  (___)  (___)  (___)  (__)
#        |_     ___    ___    ___     _|
#       (__)   (___)  (___)  (___)   (__)
#       /_______________________________\
They’re even running a competition for employers to use the service for free.

No cash, favours, etc. were given for this post. Do you have an Irish start-up? Get in touch

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