This Is John Baldessari


A frenzied, witty, brilliant profile of the prolific 6’7″ Californian conceptual artist John Baldessari directed by Henry Joost and Arial Schulman and narrated by Tom Waits.

It’s the best, most entertaining mini-documentary about John Baldessari you’ll see today. Probably ever.

The tongue in cheek dialogue between Baldessari and narrator Tom Waits is sharper than Baldessari’s push pins. This wit, coupled with rapid cutting between shots and non linear storytelling, give this documentary a stature similiar to Baldessari’s. Baldessari is both a world-class artist and a six-foot-seven giant – he stands out from the crowd.

Playful, provocative, down to earth and surreal, this film prods at the notion that art is solely for critics, academics, and other artists. Art, in Baldessari’s world, speaks to everyone.


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