The Spiritual Lifeboat


Good Shepherd Nuns to Limerick appeals for money in January 1939.

“If you have decided to give a pound, double it; if you have written a cheque for £5, take your pen and make it ten pounds; nor do I apologise to ask for your money in this blunt way. If you could realise the stories of conversion and reparation that could be told of some of these dear souls, tears would flow and hearts would melt with pity for the sad misfortune that touched so many young lives snared by a deceitful world. Thanks to the generous hearts a soul was never turned away from the Good Shepherd, and there was always full and plenty. I ask you this morning for alms to enable the Sisters to keep the Spiritual Lifeboat ever ready to rescue those who call for help.”


The best of times.

Via Limerick1913

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