Mortgage Arrears In Space 3


9100841378_ab125eed5e_o[Zoomable version of the above graphic here]

You marvelled at “Mortgage Arrears In Space“.

Were a little confused by “Mortgage Arrears In Space 2

Now. The trilogy is complete.

What Goes Up writes:

The release today by the Central Bank of Ireland of mortgage arrears figures continues to defy the prediction by Michael Noonan that the economy could take off like a rocket:- unless of course he meant a Saturn ROCKET!!
On a related note – here’s a “Scary image of the day – how underwater are the mortgage books of the Irish banks?

9100773578_713b072c9e_o Gulp.

Like a rocket – a Saturn rocket! (Japlandic)

Irish banks – underwater and sinking fast (Japlandic)

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