Sins You’ve Been Gone



“So when I knew I was pregnant I left because I didn’t think Ireland is the Catholic or Christian place it’s made out to be at all.
…They may say what they like about what England did to Ireland but they’ve certainly been good to me and I’d never say a bad word against any of them. From the ordinary layperson in the street, not the clergy or anything, from the ordinary layperson em, you get nothing but kindness from them. Nobody looks down their nose at you, they accept you for what you are, not, you’re not something to be frowned on. You haven’t done…it’s not a dirty thing. In Ireland, this is something terrible. It’s a sin you pay for all your life.”


A glimpse from the RTE Archives of a 7 Days [current affairs show] from 1968 about the treatment of unmarried mothers from Ireland.

We’ve come a long way.

Or have WE?

Watch here

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