24 thoughts on “Meanwhile, On O’Connell Street

  1. ABM

    I happened to be walking past on my way out of Mass.

    A mad man was stopping traffic (including going right up to the front windscreen of a double-decker and hurling abuse at the driver) and kicking in the bodywork of passing cars. The taxi driver (in grey Avensis) got two kicks to the side of his car; including one which is quite a big dent (football sized). I don’t know why he even bothered his hole standing around because the mad man won’t be paying, the Gardai won’t be reimbursing him for the damage and he’s losing even more money standing there. The other woman (in the Focus) got a kick or two as she was dropping off someone. A cyclist managed to get a dig or two into him (I guess he kicked the cyclist too) before the cops arrived.

    There was a plain clothes Garda who saw a lot of it. She was powerless to do anything until backup arrived and was quite happy to “not see” the mad man getting a few digs off the cyclist.

    They cuffed yer man and couldn’t get him into the back of the squad car. So they had to call for a paddy wagon. He started getting aggressive then and he was brought to the ground by the cops exposing a full-on hairy crack. They then frog-marched him over to the paddy wagon with everything down by his ankles, everything on show for all the lovely girls standing outside McDonald’s. Very funny to watch.

    1. Murtles

      Is that the “plain clothes” Garda in the blue hoodie? I think the handcuffs hanging off her might blow the cover.

  2. IDB

    a large body of matter with no definite shape.
    “the sun broke out from behind a mass of clouds”

    1. Rob

      Dude you haven’t been on Broadsheet long have you?
      Lost bikes.
      No religion.
      Video clips from 22words.
      Don’t worry you’ll get the hang of it.

  3. Italia'90

    If DJ Derek is not more careful he’ll lose that fuppin adiddas bag again(in the second picture on the left)

  4. Vinny

    Probably tax disc is out of date.
    They’ll pull out all the cops for that.

    Murder? Suspended sentence.

  5. H

    Is O’Connell still 6 lanes wide? That inside lane doesn’t look wide enough, which probably explains why the bus was so slow going down there the last time I was home.

  6. Talismania!

    Widest street in Europe and still bottlenecked to the point traffic can’t move half the time.

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