And So It Begins…


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The Banking Inquiry has got under way in Committee Room 1 in the last half an hour.

Watch here

Committee of Inquiry into the Banking crisis

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11 thoughts on “And So It Begins…

    1. scottser

      my thoughts exactly. the only thing they’re working on is A. have they got enough whitewash and B. who wants first go on the brush.

  1. Mikeyfex

    I’ll just say at the outset that inquiry episode of The Thick of It is my favourite 60mins of TV, bar none, so I’m expecting so much from this for the next 11 months.

    *Clicks ‘here’*

  2. delacaravanio

    So the banking inquiry begins by having an inquiry into the last banking inquiry. An inquiry inside the inquiry, much like the movie Inception. And similar to Inception I fear it’ll be extremely expensive to produce, longwinded, with lots of dramatic posturing, and an inordinately complex plot more full of holes than a Kerry byway.

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