Dublin Muslim


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Scenes by Random Irish Photos from inside the Al-Mustafa Islamic Educational & Cultural Centre in Blanchardstown, Dublin before and during this afternoon’s address (followed by prayers) by Imam and Islamic theologian, Dr Umar Al-Qadri (above).

Random writes:

Dr Al-Qadri condemned the recent murders in Paris He also drew comparisons between how some might perceive the wider Muslim community on Ireland to the way the Irish in Britain were perceived in the 1970s and 80s during the IRA’s bombing campaign.

Random Irish Photos

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39 thoughts on “Dublin Muslim

  1. Paps

    The IRAs bombing campaign and the islamic terrorist attacks against the west , and the daily attacks in the middle east are for completely different reasons, no comparison at all.

    1. Custo

      yeah, no similarity at all between the two groups of terrorists who targeted and murdered innocent civilians in the name of their cause, and tarnished the reputation of those who they claimed to represent. No sirree.

        1. Niallo

          Yeah, those were completely different explosives, and the munitions were from completely different manufacturers, and the dead ? Sure they werent the same species at all !
          All dead for the sake of nutbaggery.
          Guantanamo is a great idea (hold on now ! By that I mean if properly run and the correct inmates identified) a sort of general purpose devils island.
          A UN run toilet, if you will, to drop these turds into, regardless of colour, creed, race or religion. Or party !
          They wont be long “managing” their own numbers.
          What happened in france and germany needs to continue, swoop on these pockets of headcases and disappear them for their own and everyone elses safety.
          That said, western foreign policy needs to change and be seen to change and quickly if were to have any chance of pulling the rug from under the feet of these a,holes.
          If it doesnt , the world will continue to polarise, and that plays right into the nutbaggers hands, who’s policy if they have such a thing essentially boils down to a Jim Jones style etch-a-sketch end of the world scenario.
          Theres no point hoping they will go away, they wont, batman et al is unfortunately a fantasy, so…
          It’s up to us to stop them, to do that we have to starve the fire of fuel.
          Round up the nutters, radically alter foreign policy, and lastly and perhaps the most un-acheivable goal of all, shutdown the arms manufacturers/suppliers.
          Short of that… grab a helmet.

    2. SADDo

      Not too bright on analogies and understanding the Iman’s point about assigning collective blame are we?


      Excellent photographs. Thank you for publishing them, Broadsheet.

    3. Bacchus

      the comparison is exactly right…. a minority of extremists claiming to represent a people that do not share their views.

    4. Spaghetti Hoop

      The reasons are very different Paps but the consequences on the innocents of a minority community in an affected country are very similar. Many of the Irish in Britain during the IRA bombing campaign were peaceful Irish Republicans and would have supported Irish Independence, played the oul rebel songs, gathered in Irish clubs, did their thing – without supporting the Provos. Very difficult for a British victim/opponent of IRA violence to comprehend that subtle difference.There WAS a shunning of Irish people – some might dramatise that – but it was there alright, right up into the 90s. The legal events of the 1970s substantiate this fact in its extremity but day-to-day life was difficult for the Irish in Britain following an IRA attack there.

  2. mauriac

    >50,000 Muslims in Ireland.5 to 7 million in France.think we’re okay for a few years.best to start working on getting religion out of education, public life etc. now though…

  3. dhaughton99

    I know what i’d tell the dick who was taking photos of me while I was praying. Is nothing sacred?

  4. g

    They have been instructed to lie about their relgion by the prophet.
    No other religon needs to lie. Do your independant study of this.
    The aim of Islam is to destroy us. I have this from their own books !

  5. Random Irish

    I know what i’d tell the d**k who was taking photos of me while I was praying. Is nothing sacred?’ For what it’s worth, permission was asked and granted to photograph inside. An announcement was made at the start. In addition, this was arranged at the start of the week. Similar photographs were taken inside the Pro Cathedral in Dublin on Christmas Day and in St Mel’s i Co Longford when it re-opened. Yes, certain things are indeed sacred.

    1. Spaghetti Hoop

      Great photos, RI. Unfortunately photographers need to state permissions lately; only because a certain few break the rules.

  6. H

    I was thinking the very same thing myself earlier, I remember watching news of the Deal bombing in work only to have a colleague say ‘Look what your people have done!’

    There is one difference though, strangers did not know I was Irish until I spoke so I wasn’t subjected to casual racism while going about my business

    1. Sidewinder

      That is just the worst word ever thought of. It’s just so lame, there’s no teeth in it at all. If you want to insult someone for disagreeing with you pick up the thesaurus and go to town, don’t reach into your underwear to pluck some lazy ass portmanteau that insults people with disabilities. The world of insults is so broad and beautiful, explore it!

  7. Random Irish

    Granted ‘Spaghetti Hoop’. I tend not to photograph people who pose for shots. But then, I don’t like photographing where there is not some expectation that photographs are going to be taken. Often is the case, I will ask – regardless of the setting – if people don’t mind, and if they don’t and it’s understood photographs will be taken, I usually just wait a while and let people go back to being themselves. I once wanted to photograph in a Galway pub. Management said it was OK, as long as I asked everybody. I did – all 300 of them – and while it was still early in the evening. The resulting shots would have looked as if I was skulking around in the shadows, snapping people without them knowing I was taking photographs. What I find, is that in 99% of the cases, once people are made aware, they don’t mind and are actually happier not to pose and just ignore me. That said, it’s important to know when to put the camera down and stop taking photographs. Earlier this afternoon, one of the Imam’s colleagues gave me a very simple hand gesture that I interpreted to mean that it might not be appropriate to take any more photographs. It was towards the end of prayers. So, I put the camera down, faced Mecca, bowed my head, knelt and stood, knelt and stood . . .

    1. Spaghetti Hoop

      RI – you misunderstood my comment – I was in your corner – I’m at this business myself. I was stating that because of the unprofessional few that break the rules, the need for photographers to publicise permissions is unfortunately a necessity to not only cover themselves but insulate them from the critics. Honestly, I’ve admired your images here / simply trying to defend your work ;)

    1. Spaghetti Hoop

      Well I’m no Arthur Guinness with the pints…

      But the whole ‘grey area’ of photographic license is a stickler these days. The permission to shoot is like an invite into someone’s home; every decent photographer respects it. Take a photo of someone’s kid on the street and someone labels you a ‘paedo’. Interestingly, I’ve spoken to some ambitious barristers and law students about this and many are choosing this particular area of intellectual and artistic copyright/ image rights as their speciality/ thesis.

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