Soda1 Soda2 Soda3 Soda4 Soda5 Soda7

 (de)hydrate – a project by Kiwi food photographer Harry Hargreaves, who boiled the water out of various soft drinks and poured the residual sugary gloop into lollipop moulds based on the size of the containers the drinks came in. Sez he:

I have heard health professionals recently refer to soda as ‘the cigarettes of our generation’. I wanted to get my head around this and show what is in a soda drink once the water has been boiled away. Essentially dehydrate the ‘hydrator.’ I decided to take the remaining substance and pour into a lollipop mold as thats what I feel you are essentially getting- a lollipop dressed up as soda….

Previously: Food Maps


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51 thoughts on “Pop Pops

  1. Drogg

    The war on sugar is just another infringement of your personal freedom, if you don’t like soft drinks don’t drink them, if you don’t like smoking don’t smoke but attacking people for putting anything into their body that has no effect on you is some p***y a** mind washed moronic s**t. Its my temple and i will destroy the fupping thing if i so chose to.

    1. CupofTea

      Well Drogg you can put whatever floats your boat in your body but you need to consider two things, Firstly people with diabeties and other illnesses from ingesting far too much sugar cost the tax payer money. Also most people get their sugar eating habits as a child when they have no way of buying the sweets themselves. Sweets are being supplied by parents. Some people may net realise how much sugar is in those sweet drinks and this might help them choose healthier drinks for their kids.

      1. Drogg

        If you don’t realise that there is a huge amount of sugar in soft drinks, then you are a moron and the human race is better off without you. Type 2 Diabetes comes from excessive consumption of fatty and sugary foods, so having a campaign against products people enjoy cause a few numpties have no self control is moronic. Oh and by the way i don’t give my kids sugary drinks or sweets, but i am a grown man who pays a lot of fupping taxes so if i want to down a bottle of lucozade every once in a while i should be able to, without being judged by self righteous busy bodies who would not be happy even if we all ate some futurisic protein paste that gave us just what the body needs and is made for organic homegrown materials.

        1. Ms Piggy

          By the same token though, shoudn’t you also be condemning the advertising (vast and all-pervasive as it is) for those drinks, on the grounds that they are also trying to manipulate the choices you make? We live in a hugely mediatized and commercialised world in which products made by large corporations are heavily promoted to us. So it seems a bit odd to be infuriated by one of the voices in the wilderness criticizing them. And I write as someone who supports your right to eat chips, drink fizzy drinks and smoke as often as you see fit. But their producers hardly need defending.

          1. milkteeth

            That is also the point I was trying to make. But clearly thinking that advertising works, or that sugar leads to diabetes, is apparently a conspiracy theory…

          2. Drogg

            No thinking advertising is out to manipulate you into some consumption monster is a conspiracy theory. People need to work right? so people make a product then people advertise it so people buy it and everyone gets something out of it is just the way the world works. And i like advertisements little 30 second movies, sponsorship for local sports teams, sponsorship of local amenities its great.

          3. Ms Piggy

            I wasn’t suggesting that advertising is a secret conspiracy! But if it didn’t shift product, they wouldn’t do it. They’re hoping to influence you to buy their stuff. By your logic, they shouldn’t be trying to do that.

          4. Drogg

            Sorry piggy that was pointed a milk teeth not you. But by my logic they should be trying to do that, did you miss my whole jobs to consumers point? no marketing equals no sales equals people out of work. trying to sell your product is not a bad thing.

    2. milkteeth

      Yes, it’s important to protect our personal freedom to be manipulated by advertisers and big corporations into putting things that are terrible for us into our bodies.

      1. Drogg

        My body my choice, now why don’t you go put your tinfoil hat on and go worry about some other big corporation conspiracy.

        1. milkteeth

          Also your choice to ignore this advice. But its really stupid to do so. The amount of sugar in fizzy drinks, and the link between sugar and diabetes certainly aren’t conspiracy theories…

          1. bob

            Depends on what you mean by the “war on sugar”… if you mean informing people of the amount of sugar they may be unwittingly consuming in soft drinks, then you’re full of it. If you mean regulation or taxation to try to control your eating habits, then *maybe* you have a point, but given the health implications that will ultimately fall back on the public health service then I think it’s possibly still not unreasonable to try to deal with the problem.

            But I’m not aware of anyone infringing on your personal freedom to eat badly, so work away Droggs!

          2. Drogg

            Bob if people don’t know how much sugar is in what they consume then thats their problem, go get educated its all their right on the tin or box or whatever. I am more talking about the war on what people consume as you might have guess i am not a huge fan of being told what to do so being told what i can and can’t eat really aggravates me.

          3. The-bag

            That’s not telling you what you can and can’t eat, it’s proposing a tax on unhealthy foods to help curb the rise in obesity and general Ill health (including mental health) due to poor diet. It’s in the public interest both financially and socially.

          4. Drogg

            It’s more likely people have a poor diet due to poor mental health then have poor mental health due to a poor diet. It is another infringement to personal rights this is a slippery slope to the point when people will actually be telling you what you can and can’t eat instead of trying to shame you into it. It’s your body its your responsibility if you want to go out drink ten pints eat a curry smoke 20 cigs that’s awesome if you want to sit at home and drink a glass of water and eat some kale that is perfectly awesome as well, but never should it be that people can tell you what you can or should put into your body.

          5. The-bag

            Yes, as an free thinking adult in a free country you should enjoy all those rights because you are informed and empowered to do so. If, on the other hand, you are being coerced by false and misleading advertising or you are a minor with irresponsible parents then your free choice is compromised.
            Nobody is telling you what to do. As an overweight diabetic though do you not think you should be cheerleading initiatives that pave a healthier, happier society for your kids?

          6. Drogg

            Type 1 diabetes is genetic type 2 diabetes is from overeating and there is a big difference between them type 2 can be managed with diet alone in some cases or with just taking a pill type 1 just happens and can only be managed by insulin injections. I will always side with choice banning things or taxing them into nonexistence because someone deems them unhealthy is and dangerous path to walk down people need to be aloud to make their own mistakes and yes people will die but we could do with a bit of a thinning out anyway.

          7. Martina

            You’ve ignored how public health systems have to sort out all the ill effects this junk creates.

        2. Twunt

          it is not your choice, your body craves…ahhh…actually… fill your boots mate, one less gobshite is one less gobshite.

  2. sǝɯǝɯ ʇɐ pɐq

    Somebody got a bit of a sugar-rush today, didn’t they?

    I’m not going to mention any names.
    ƃƃoɹp s,ʇI

    1. Drogg

      Irony is i have been off sugar the last while. But i still support peoples rights to consume it.

  3. GreenMan

    Great to see that Drogg has cracked that Type 1 diabetes is genetic and just happens. That one has been puzzling scientists for a while. In fact, they were leaning towards it being caused by an autoimmune disease triggered by viral infections. Maybe you should let them know what you know Drogg.

    Try using punctuation in your letter to the scientists though, it will make you seem smarter.

    Also, try to avoid contradicting yourself. A contradiction is a combination of statements or ideas which are opposed to one another. For example, telling people to mind their own business about your eating habits, but calling Type 2 diabetics numpties because of your judgements on there’s, is a contradiction.

    1. Drogg

      Greenman let me ask you, if it is an autoimmune disease How come it passes down family lines and how come it has a habit of skipping generations since its a autoimmune disease and all? I think maybe you should talk to an endocrinologist and get some info, I have and not once ever where viral infections and autoimmune diseases mentioned, but i am sure you are a leading expert in the pancreas.

      1. GreenMan

        Morning Drogg :)

        Happy to report I’m not a leading expert in anything, the pressure would get to me! I think you’ll find I never made any claims to know the causes of diabetes (unlike you).
        I merely pointed out that nobody knows the cause and that you look a bit ridiculous saying it’s caused by genetics. The latest research suggests that as the immune system attacks a viral infection that replicates elements of beta cells, once the virus is killed the immune system continues to kill the beta cells of the pancreas, leading to Type 1 diabetes. There is still a possible link to genetics though, even with this theory, but I’ll still hold off making a declaration as to the cause of Type 1 diabetes.
        Great that you chatted with an endocrinologist before :) Did you guys discuss your theory that all Type 2 diabetics are numpties!?

        1. Drogg

          I chat to one on a regular basis as this is a subject i have a lot invested in. Type 2 isn’t really my area of expertise but i know enough that it is generally caused by factors brought on by the person themselves. Type 1 diabetes has all the indicators of it being a genetic condition no matter what the NHS website says which is where i assume you pulled that quote about auto immune diseases from.

          1. GreenMan

            I’m just happy to have gotten you to go from “Type 1 is genetic” to “Type 1 has the indicators of being genetic”. Not enough is known about Type 1 and the public need to be aware that it’s causes are still unknown, hence why I get frustrated when people make conclusive statements like yours.
            The NHS is one site that pays heed to the possibility of viral infections being a cause, but there are others, and there are endocrinologists in Ireland too who support it as a possible factor. If you have a lot invested in Type 1, maybe speak to more than just 1 endocrinologist.

            People who don’t know much or aren’t effected by diabetes don’t know the difference between the two types. I would suggest attaching a stigma to either is counter productive to all, and effectively saying Type 2 is self inflicted serves noone.

          2. Drogg

            It maybe gives people a warning but telling people they will get diabetes from over eating is way worse as the two types are very different and i also stick by my first statement that type 1 is a genetic condition and with the research now going into the stemcell treatment of type 1 we should get an answer and a cure sooner rather then later.

    2. Tucker Done

      Drogg should put out a quote-a-day app. This one’s a classic for the medical section:

      “It’s more likely people have a poor diet due to poor mental health then have poor mental health due to a poor diet.”

      1. Drogg

        I don’t see anything wrong with that statement, there are many arguments for people with depression comfort eating or bingeing, I also know there is some indication that people who are fat get depressed but this has a lot to do with social standards then the actual food they consume. In saying that though i have heard of people going off sugar and hitting periods of depression because their body is craving sugar. I stick by my original statement.

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