18 thoughts on “De Sunday Papers

  1. passing through

    Perhaps if Bob didn’t take the Knighthood from the foreign state we’d listen to what he has to say about the 1916 leaders

        1. Twunt

          Himself and Peter Sutherland are doing a house share in Clapham while refugees stay in their residences.

    1. munkifisht

      Personally think it’s a fair point. In today’s world we could call those people radicalised. They essentially planned a romantic failure. They knew it was going to fail, they knew they were probably going to get killed and get those around them killed and it would be the public outrage that followed that would lead to them gaining their political ends, and today, as a nation who apparently stands for peace we sure do love the fact we were born out of violence.

      The truth is it was that violent beginning that still troubles this island today. We’ve never moved past it as a nation. Indeed, it might be that had we gained our independence in a more democratic way we may never have seen the civil war, the rise of the provos and the troubles in the North, we might have a better relationship with our nearest and largest neighbour, we might might have matured better as a nation politically and not be still mired in the farcical landscape of rural V city, of Fianna Fail VS Fine Gael.

      The rising is certainly something to reflect on, but to blindly laud these people as heros without whom we would never have shuck off the yolk of English tyranny is moronic. The education system has a hell of a lot to answer for in not questioning our own heritage when it comes to teaching Irish history.

      1. classter

        ‘The truth is it was that violent beginning that still troubles this island today. ‘

        This part is utter nonsense. There is barely an entity or state on earth which did not have a violent beginning.

  2. Jimmy 2 tones

    The funny part is, the The Irish Mail is probably the most honest newspaper in Ireland

      1. Chris

        This would be hilarious if it wasn’t around such a tragedy. But I don’t think it was the papers fault the journalist who wrote that may have had a flight of fancy and went rogue telling a few porkies along the way.

        1. Baz

          It is the paper’s fault. They printed it as an exclusive, hyped it up and took advantage of a grieving woman.

          1. Chris

            If the journalist was lying to further her career do they not have any responsibility here themselves??

  3. Kolmo

    Wow, even more multi-pronged attacks by Irish and British-backed newspapers on one of the historical first strikes against the world’s largest, best organised and well armed empires, an empire that tried with partial-success to exterminate the population here, and elsewhere. The revolution stopped in 1922, revolutions should keep going to prevent the stale society of the greasy gombeen club we’ve been left with. The shallow stream has the loudest babble.

    Disappointed Mr.Geldof, but not surprised anymore, your UK sponsor is now the largest arms dealer to the bastion of democracy and plurality – Saudi Arabia.

    1. classter


      I am happy that we take a closer & more nuanced look at the Easter Rising & other Irish founding narratives.

      I do wish that the UK’s myths were examined in half as much detail & with half as much of a critical eye.

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