21 thoughts on “De Thursday Papers

    1. Kieran NYC

      Yeah! Screw her for having mental health issues, AMIRITE?! Mental health support only for sexy deserving people like Bressie, not messier cases like her or Sinead O’Connor.

      Talk about being pathetic…

      1. Otis Blue

        Screw her? FFS

        Have a think about who was really being screwed.

        Think hard. Then think better.

      2. Charles

        Screw her for sticking her snout in the trough.
        Screw her for using her position to enrich herself and her circle of chancers
        Screw her for not having the common decency to put her hands up and accept responsibility for her actions.

        I hope the grilling she got by the PAC was just the beginning.

        1. Twunt

          and most importantly, screw her for having the cheek to try and manipulate public opinion with this power play. She deserves no sympathy.

        2. Junkface

          Exactly! She has the nerve to try to sue over this, after lining her pockets for years from a Charity. Again wasting other peoples money bringing this to court. She should have finished herself off and saved everybody some cash. I’m sick of these delusional, fraudulant Charity heads

        1. Kieran NYC

          Oh yeah. I’m devastated that the internet hate-mob used a woman’s (in the middle of a court case btw – great moderation, Broadsheet) dislikablility as an excuse to have a nasty pop at her possible mental health issues. Would you people be cheering if she had died by suicide?

          How many of Ireland’s suicide victims should be mourned and how many were ‘pathetic’?

          1. Praetorian

            She’s a loathsome individual but dont let fact get in the way of your sanctimonious rant.
            She is playing the victim now so toddle off there and do your research…plonker.

  1. tomkildare

    if any one believes she tried to commit suicide yee are all total fools. first response when in trouble is to go to mental hospital or for alcohol problems. look at that lad for console. She spent a night in hospital in waterford! she didnt even bother to stay a week. Also her defence is to attack. She and her fellow cronies are pure scum and should be locked up. Knowing Ireland she will probably win her case and cost us another million.

    1. Harry Molloy

      oh she’s an aul bag alright but it doesn’t at all mean she didn’t try to top herself, not with all that negative publicity

  2. tomkildare

    Any any one defending mental health, put your anger towards her for using mental health for her own gains. She is one greedy fat pig

  3. Donker

    It’s the modern way, do whatever it takes to change the narrative to one where you are the victim.
    She was out and about just weeks after this episode, in great form, talking about her ‘case’.
    I take mental health issues very seriously but I don’t believe that’s what we’re dealing with here.
    Angela is a greedy conniving charlatan continuing to play the same selfish game that led to hearing in the first place.
    Don’t allow yourself to be distracted and lose sight of who the real victims are in this case.
    ……it ain’t Angela

  4. Deluded

    More SJW crap from the Daily Fail. I don’t recall any articles decrying our lack of male leaders.

  5. some old queen

    People across Ireland/Britain/ British Isles/ Whatever you are having yourself woke up to a very puzzling question about the front page picture of May in the Telegraph.

    What the hell is she wearing? Is that Armani? The famous ITALIAN Armani?

    1. mauriac

      Atlantic Archipelago , North Atlantic Isles , Anglo-Celtic Isles or the infuriatingly vague These Islands .

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