20 thoughts on “Going Rogue

  1. Human

    I like Star Wars but I wish Kathleen Kennedy would stop trying to push a feminist agenda into the films…… Rogue One intentionally tried to exclude white men and only cast them as villains….

    Lucas film has been handed over to the SJW thought police.

    1. Starina

      yes, yes, it’s tough being a white male. so many people who won’t give you what is rightly yours. it’s ok, love, we understand.

      1. Human

        White men make something awesome and then feminists and minority activists hijack and take it over…. How about ye get together and go create your own art…. useless……

          1. ahjayzis

            I’d like to thank the committee for fulfilling the brief on providing a horse suitable for desert travel.

    2. Nigel

      The white man agenda is the only agenda that belongs in films. It’s the supreme agenda, you might say.

      1. Human

        Yea see its not about an ‘agenda’ its about making ART….. That’s the part you silly millennial space cadets don’t understand….. useless….

        1. Nigel

          All art has an agenda. Also, you’re complaining that Star Wars is no longer exclusively focused on white men. It’s hard to do a better job of identifying yourself as a loser than that.

        2. Chris

          Yea I miss it when Star Wars was about men by men and for men. You know just a couple of guys, hanging out, thick moustaches, tight pants, those were men. Men that made you swoon. Not like today.

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