Where Has The NewsWhip Widget Gone?



Newswhip founders Andrew Mullaney and Paul Quigley moments after widget removal

Many have asked.

Is the ‘thing’ that made the ‘sheet’s right hand side more interesting, informative and colourful no more?

Newswhip co-founder Paul Quigley writes:

You may have noticed that the trending news widget on the side of Broadsheet.ie has disappeared.

The widget was designed by the NewsWhip team to show Broadsheet readers which stories were going viral in Ireland, minute by minute. It also had the happy side effect of bringing some curious readers back to NewsWhip.com – back when it was a website showing trending news stories and massively grateful for new users.

NewsWhip has turned into a pure B2B business – our technology gives real time intelligence to the likes of the BBC, the Washington Post, Adobe and even Intel. Over that time our tech stack has changed completely. So alas: we can no longer support the widget.

So we wanted to say goodbye to Broadsheet readers. Also we wanted to say thank you to the Broadsheet team. They were incredibly sound to give us such a prominent position on their Right Hand Sidebar right when we were trying to grow users and awareness.

They’d hate to hear it and are far too modest to admit it but Broadsheet has quietly become an essential part of independent online Irish media. Broadsheet is where you get the other side of the story.

Meanwhile – if you’re interested in reading about what NewsWhip does these days – here‘s case studies with Mic.com, BuzzFeed, MasterCard and a few others.

Otherwise: farewell and love to the Broadsheet Massive



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24 thoughts on “Where Has The NewsWhip Widget Gone?

  1. Mikeyfex

    It was quite often a sorry reflection on Irish society. Not the widget, but the stories it brought us. Successful company though so well done.

  2. Shelbyville Manhattan

    However will I know what stories from 3 days ago The Liberal are cackhandedly plagiarising?

    1. clowntheclowns

      this is quite literally you putting negative vibes out there because you know you will never achieve 2% of what people like newswhip achieve – think on that

      1. Robert Smith

        I don’t think this is a criticism of newswhip, but what has been hinted at a few times, that certain sites uses newswhip to see what is trending and then, copies the content, so they will trend, get clicks, ad-revenue, facebook likes and so-forth.

        I used to use the android newswhip app, I liked it a lot & have already started to miss.

      2. Shelbyville Manhattan

        I’ve thought on it and 2% seems like an extraordinarily precise estimate at this remove.

        Show your workings.

  3. Robert

    Clever pivot; writing on the wall for browser-side content enrichment thanks to ad-blockers. Rather than bitching it looks like they’ve just gotten on with things and started moving things on the server-side where they belong!

      1. Shayna

        I have to say that I’ve also noticed the difference since WhipExit. I wasn’t aware that the WhipNews widget was attributable to the constant Shockwave crashing until mentioned above.

  4. Chucky R. Law

    Tragic news today: you won’t believe what happened when this website stunned the internet with a shocking announcement.

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