15 thoughts on “De Friday Papers

  1. manonfire

    The Examiner gushs about Pope Benedict the paedophile apologist and tributes Pope Francis as a very organised jesuit(mafia)

  2. Increasing Displacement

    Car insurance is a joke
    Will probably sell the car at years end
    Gain a few grand, stop spending, get fitter

  3. Harry Molloy

    Does anyone remember a story from a blog that was posted here on time of a woman who came to Ireland for an organised threesome?
    if so can you possibly link it?

      1. Increasing Displacement

        “did their thing” Broadsheet? Really?
        Is someone in there a clergyman?

        That sounds like someones taking a number 1 or 2 on her.

  4. Dόn 'The Unstoppable Force' Pídgéόní

    I would like to be a “angry woman in car” model. Niche but spectacular.

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