12 thoughts on “Stair Porn

  1. Spud

    Stairs with no rails?
    That’s gotta be fun when home drunk or middle of the night snack attacks…

    1. Pete

      Or if ye have one leg longer than the other or if you are a hedgehog or if you have a giant foot or if you are imaginary

  2. Gorev Mahagut

    These are like the Philippe Starck lemon squeezer. It doesn’t work but no-one cares, the people buying it just want something that looks expensive. If you’re rich enough to afford stairs like these then either:
    1. You’re a silicon valley magnate, you spend all day at meetings with venture crapitalists. Your gaff looks like something a James Bond villain would live in but you’re never at home.
    2. You’ve inherited your wealth, so you already have a big house with normal stairs.
    3. You’re a lottery winner, you want a house that looks like the mansion in Dallas, stuffed full of humongous leather sofas, widescreen teevees, quadbikes and a butler on a segway.

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