30 thoughts on “Where Do We Sign?

  1. Brother Barnabas

    Nothing wrong with that at all. Says exactly what they want, what they don’t want and what the job will be like – saving everyone’s time.

  2. Whatevers

    “we are asking candidates to simply explain to us there experience.”

    They need to sack that content writer. Oh wait..

    1. Deadly Submarine

      Looks like you wouldn’t have got that job. Last line: you need to point out three mistakes/typos in this offer

      Need to get another two

      1. Glat1

        The italicised full stop at the end of the second paragraph is the one that separates the scribes from the scribblers.

      2. Grammar Of Thor

        “…wasting time on your social media and pretending its ‘work’.”
        Should be “it’s”.

        “understand the basics of marketing and how it can help drive growth.”
        Should be “understands” since the subject is singular.

        “specify if this full time or at your current availability.”
        Should be “if this IS full-time”. Note as well that the hypen in “full-time” is also missing in this sentence, which is inconsistent with its use in the second paragraph.

        I can start Monday.

    2. Whatevers

      Ah, I should have read the whole way down. Now I feel stupid for missing the other two. Now I’ve spotted them. Actually, now I’m just angry at having read the whole thing, again.

  3. Barry the Hatchet

    “candidates must be able to produce faultless texts in English.” Unlike the person who wrote this ad.

  4. gerry

    It’s a part-time job but they also expect you to have no “side projects” and to be prepared to drop everything once they decide they have more hours…

    People need to earn a living.

  5. Scoopy do

    I rally feel like this could be the job for me. Now to find out what content marketing is. Hmmmm.

  6. GoddessDurga

    Also egregious use of capitalisation; bizarre use of semicolons (should be a comma before ‘and’ as final part of a list); one curly single quote and one straight one at ‘give marketing a try’; screamer after ‘considered’; colon after ‘travels’; ‘profiles’ as a plural in a singular context; etc, etc, etc. But most of all the generally civil service tone and style of the ad. Hope they find someone nice.

  7. Gabby

    I won’t apply. I may have faultless English but I don’t give a toss about marketing. The advert doesn’t give any hints about the products/services that are to be marketed. I mean, suppose they want me to write perfect English about lollypops or fizzbags.

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