12 thoughts on “Free Wifi?

      1. Pip

        Friday is bus day!
        I saw a brand new medium size single decker in Dublin Bus colours, obviously fresh off the line from Wright Bus, on its way to Donnybrook garage yesterday evening according to the destination display.

  1. Joe Small

    Dublin Castle’s wifi is always the month followed by the year, so now its December-2017. They host a lot of conferences each week. Its not a big deal

    1. Cian

      I tried to connect to that Wi-Fi while the news was on – but I couldn’t access it.
      I don’t think its a real Wi-Fi.

  2. De Kloot

    The horror! A temporary password for public wifi access at a conference…. Call in the Cybercrime Unit from Harcourt Street, pronto.

  3. Jackdaw

    Bodger is very quiet today. Didn’t something major happen at a tribunal?Oh yes it found that all the whistleblower allegations made by Harrison were unfounded. It’s obviously not newsworthy though.

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