32 thoughts on “Auld Lang Sign

        1. Tony

          Ah now Frilly shame to start off the new year with th”oil bitther name callin malarkey. Sure all I do is gentle hup’pda bit’ta flupp’a Frilly shtyle parody. Please don’t be offended sur it’s not intended to hurt ‘‘tis only a bit’ta well intentioned ribbin’!

          Ge’hupp an’ oul’ bit’ta 2018!

          1. Woof Woof Frilly Keane

            T’was a lot more than that Tony
            An’ well ye know it

            Tis easy for ye all ta’stay in denial
            Cause ya know
            One’ah the boys
            n’ all that

            Heres sum’ting for your next EchoChamber convening; Who really are the lying bullying trolling cowards and psychopaths?

  1. Bertie Blenkinsop

    Happy New Year to one and all :)

    As an aside, my Da got me a book for Christmas titled “are you turning into your Dad?” and I think I need therapy now…

        1. Brother Barnabas


          I’m still looking forward to using the ‘now i have to sleep with a granny’ line

          (not for a while, hopefully)

  2. Not On Your Nelly


    As British owned businesses go, they are the best at leveraging the “oirish” image. And as long as we all play into their marketing nonsense the better!!

    To Arthur!!

  3. anne

    Happy new year broadsheet team, commenters, trolls, raging alcoholics, et al.
    Have a prosperous 2018.

    1. some old queen

      What if you are a team member who is also a commentor, a troll AND a raging alcoholic? It’s possible.

      Just on that subject, I was talking to a publican yesterday who said that NYE is now a quiet night because everyone sits in. I actually don’t know anyone who goes out on NYE anymore, it’s more hassle than it’s worth.

      1. mildred st. meadowlark

        I don’t think I’ve ever had an enjoyable New Year’s Eve in the pub.

        Scratch that. Once. Down in the aul man pub down the road beside the fire getting unexpectedly langered was an excellent night.

        Other than that, NO.

      2. anne

        Bodger does a bit of trolling all right changing the naughty words, winding up the likes of frilly-mean who wants to talk about her boobily boos not her ‘chest puppies’.. he’s probably not a raging alcoholic yet though. :-)

        New years is a pile of boo boo all right.

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