Consistent Opposition


From left:  Josh Brady, Cllr. Éilis Ryan (Dublin City Council) and David Gardiner


Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

Members of the the Workers’ Party launching its posters calling for a ‘YES’ vote in the upcoming referendum on the 8th Amendment,

Cllr Ryan holds a 1983 referendum poster as her party was the only Dáil party to actively campaign against the introduction of the 8th amendment in 1983.

In fairness.

The Workers’ Party (Facebook)

Leah Farrell/RollingNews


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61 thoughts on “Consistent Opposition

  1. Brother Barnabas

    in fairness to them ‘End Forced Travel’ and ‘Protect Women’s Lives’ are two of the better slogans I’ve seen

    1. Janet, I ate my Avatar

      yep these are good
      the worst I saw ( although I approve the sentiment)
      stop policing my body
      can’t see that winning any hearts unfortunately

      1. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?

        Yup. Those Rosa ladies are talking to themselves, I’m afraid.

          1. Janet, I ate my Avatar

            I was going to make a joke about hearing knickers drop etc
            but I am trying to clean up my act

        1. Janet, I ate my Avatar

          I have a very smart open minded friend I sent a link to a podcast I enjoy by some guilty feminists so not hard-core and very inclusive
          his reaction, “too screachy ”
          just shows you have to adapt to your audience

          1. TheRealJane

            Yeah, women shouldn’t be too strident because it might put men off. Men shouldn’t be asked to wonder why they would be put off voting a certain way by women not pandering to their egos.

          2. Janet, I ate my Avatar

            in an idéal world
            but better off trying not to alienate for now ?
            it’s a fine balance
            and sad that it’s necessary to balance at all
            but you know what they say
            You don’t catch flies with vinegar

          3. The Ghost of Starina

            oh jaysus. they’ve been saying we’re shrill since the suffragettes.

          4. TheRealJane

            I don’t think it is a fine balance. This pandering is what gives some of them the impression that their philosophical ponderings on the status of foetuses and what they reckon life really means is the actual issue here.

            At some point, we have to stand up for women and to the idea that women are actual, fully realised human beings with independent thoughts, lives and opinions. Being mute and compliant and giving the impression that we aren’t here to upset the kind of people who think women are a mere abstraction in this issue is ridiculous.

          5. Janet, I ate my Avatar

            Jane I wasn’t advocating mutness or compliance, far from it
            I was just suggesting that there are some approaches that will alienate a certain audience which on this issue we can’t afford to do.

          6. TheRealJane

            If we’re at the point where saying, I’m the one living in this body and I have to make and live with the choices regarding it, is the outer edges of offensive extremity, we can’t say much, can we?

      2. SOQ

        Srt8 speaking facts like

        ‘x’ number of Irish women have abortions.

        ‘x’ number of pills ordered online.

        Maybe with images of an ostrich with its head in the sand or a lumpy carpet.

        Can someone please explain to me why it is that the more liberal the law is, the less abortions actually happen? Genuine question.

        1. ReproBertie (SCU)

          It’s down to follow on care, which focuses on contraception and education. It’s something that can happen when abortions and options are openly discussed with your GP.

        2. Cian

          The problem is we don’t have these numbers.
          We don’t know how many Irish women had abortions last year. The UK England and Wales break their figures down to include Ireland. But no other countries do that. Some individual clinics on the continent report the number of ‘Irish’ – but this is only some clinics.
          We don’t know how many pill are ordered online (it is illegal); and even if we did know, we don’t know how many are actually used.

          1. Cian

            We do know, that based on the UK published numbers that 1-in-8 Irish registered women have had an abortion there.

          2. Listrade

            Does that 1 in 8 take into account previous abortions? According to British stats, it’s 20% for Ireland. Some of the 1 in 8 may be double counted.

          3. Cian

            Yes – Multiple-abortions are included in the 1-in-8 women stat;

            The UK stats don’t break the Irish figures into that level of detail – but this number assumes that the Irish numbers match the UK numbers and that the number of subsequent abortions has been growing since 1980.

  2. TheRealJane

    So I read that the lovers of both are campaigning outside four maternity hospitals today.

    I think people have made an error when they think that the “both” refers to foetuses and mother’s. The “both” is power and control.

    1. :-Joe


      I’m beginning to think they really are doing it for the love of the attention and feeling like they are actually being elected somehow….

      I struggle to find a rational argument from any of them… pure ignorant, selfish, deluded, pious pontification.


  3. Cian

    Why do most of the YES posters have a white yes on a coloured background?
    The NOs are mostly a coloured no on a white background.

    IMHO this make the NO more prominent than the yes (see the picture above – does the NO look more prominent?) … or maybe it’s just me

    1. Scundered

      The no font is extra bold, whilst the yes just a standard bold font, this suggests more desperation in the no vote.

    1. The Ghost of Starina

      I’d be afraid people wouldn’t read them correctly and would see the pink and “loveboats” and assume it’s a loveboth poster. Bit like wearing a red hat that says “Make america gay again”, people’s brains assemble sentences wholesale and mightn’t realise it’s different.

  4. Sentient Won

    Disingenuous slogans are disingenuous.

    Nobody is “forced to travel”.

    Women (and men) have the right and freedom to travel.

    Abortion does not protect lives, it destroys them.

    Abortionistas hate facts though. Particularly facts that undermine their baby-killing-profit-margins.

      1. :-Joe

        splutter… lolz.. hahahaaa…

        Thanks for diffusing a bombshell I wanted to unleash…

        It’s just not worth the precious time sometimes….


    1. Yupyup

      Ya, The Workers’ Party are big into the old profit margins alright, Sentient Won

    2. Daisy Chainsaw

      Women have their right and freedom to travel for an abortion enshrined in the constitution. (13th amendment). Your time would be better spent repealing the 13th than keeping the 8th because women travel in their thousands annually for their outsourced abortion.

      Force them to remain in Ireland and force them to give birth.

        1. Daisy Chainsaw

          Think of the money that could be made selling their little ba$tards to more deserving families.

        2. Sentient Won

          That’s the Abortionists only two options for unapproved pregnancies is it?

          Destroy a human life or incarceration.

          You people are sick.

          1. Nigel

            The people who gave us the laundries and who sold babies or buried them in a sewer also gave by the 8th. Just so you have your history straight.

    3. mildred st. meadowlark

      You’re a dirty hypocrite.

      It’s fine once it’s in England right? You never said. Probably because it will show you up for the nasty hypocrite you are. You don’t actually give a shit about babies or foetuses or the unborn. You certainly don’t give a shit about women. Your kind belong back in the 30s.

    4. mildred st. meadowlark

      And ‘abortionistas’ are a myth. And a particularly stupid one at that.

      So, well in line with the usual crap you spout.

  5. dav

    ffs the “NO” poster is not a good idea – you don’t advertise the other side’s vote.

    1. Lush

      Ah Dav, read the caption underneath the post. You’re making a holy show of yourself.

      1. dav

        Lads n’ lassies – when it comes to election posters -0 the more info – the less is read. It’s either YES or NO. By using the term “NO” on their poster they are, in effect, giving a free advert to their opponents.
        Think how all the ff candidates shrunk their ff logos down to the size of a pea for the 2011 election – they were trying to distance themselves from a toxic brand.
        By using the word “NO” on their poster, the Workers Party are creating an association with the no fanatics.

        1. mildred st. meadowlark

          dav, you spanner! That’s a poster from 1983! As in vote NO to the 8th amendment.

          1. Cian

            Ah mildred! I was hoping to get a third woooosh in.

            …although it is dav, so there is still a small hope.

          2. dav

            Sigh.. …
            “The most simple one is ‘direct suggestion,’ the direct induction of the candidate’s name and external appearance to the voter, sometimes with a call for action. Posters with the candidate’s face and name during electoral campaign are seen almost everywhere. The more frequently the voter sees these faces, the stronger the ‘recognition effect’ and the ‘formation’ of a positive attitude towards the candidate.”
            My argument that in this case, by showing a “No” poster (Even if it’s from a different era”, the workers party are subconsciously handing a bit of propaganda to the No fanatics. I’m sorry you can’t see that and I’m really sorry it upsets you.

  6. :-Joe

    I love it, another example of the true political activism that neo-labour used to represent.

    Workers Rights, the foundation of any worthwhile democracy.


  7. insert ridiculous internet pseudonym here

    Voting “no” and proudly. You durty hoors killing babies just because you like to ride raw ain’t right. Clean up your act. Your gran had like 7 babies, your ma had 3, YOU: an abortion and a dog that fits in a purse.

    1. theo kretschmar schuldorff

      Vote away.
      Anyway, how come its taking so long for series 4 of Better Call Saul to be released? I bet they’re going to make it extra-great and that we’ll be able to watch the events of Breaking Bad again through Jimmy’s eyes.

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