Meanwhile, Near Thessaloniki


Just now.

In northern Greece.

Clashes are taking place between riot police and migrants and asylum seekers attempting to cross into North Macedonia from outside the Diavata reception camp near Thessaloniki.

Journalist Daphne Tolis has been live-streaming from the area on Facebook (above).

She has reported that the police have thrown stun grenades and tear gas at the crowds.

New clashes outside Diavata migrant camp (Ekathimerini)

Daphne Tolis


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5 thoughts on “Meanwhile, Near Thessaloniki

  1. SOQ

    You would wonder what sort of life these people come from where walking around with a few bits and pieces in a bag is preferable.

    1. Spaghetti Hoop

      No different from the Irish aboard the ferries to Holyhead in the 50s. Clean suit, nylons, flask o’ tay, a set of rosary beads and the auntie’s address in London, begob.

      1. SOQ

        There was never scenes like that when the Irish took the ferry to Britain. The Irish then were poor but they were not illegal and despite the discrimination, never herded in a field like cattle.

        Although it does prove the point if needed, that WhatsApp is not a secure website, and it is most definitely a website, just like broadsheet, and Grindr- owned by China apparently.

        Scrap the app- all of them.

    2. Lilly

      If they’re Syrian, for example, they probably figure escape with life and limb is preferable to the alternative – and I can’t say I blame them.

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