9 thoughts on “Griffith Observatory

  1. Dr.Fart

    Dublin City Council are not here to attend to the upkeep and logistics of the city. They’re merely here to ensure to safe passover from ‘unique historic city’ to ‘unaffordable city full of offices and hotels’. There’s palms to be greased, and the vision of one insular narrow minded man to be reached.

  2. AssPants

    Yeah but; Griffith Avenue has many fine dwellings on it, with the well heeled, (all be it with old money) who must be attended to…..so come, everybody down to Griffith Avenue and we have a tidy up, seems like some people are is at their wits end.

  3. Frank

    I cycle it everyday.
    The well intentioned cycle lanes with plastic wands recently installed obviously don’t allow a sweeper truck to keep the road clear to the grass verge and they will have to be shovelled manually.
    It leaves (pun intended) the cycle paths unusable as the drifts of wet, greasy leaves can be a foot thick in places.
    A flipping nightmare

    1. Fergalito

      Agreed – leaves in those volumes are treacherous and render cycle lanes useless.

      Erm…leaves, volumes … there’ s a book related pun in their somewhere but it escapes me now as I sneeze and ooze through my head-cold.

  4. Paulus

    Try driving along Griffith Ave, especially after dark, and be dazzled by the hugh number of highly reflective bollards.
    Enjoy an enforced game of chicken as you are forced into the path of oncoming traffic by the chicane-like curves of the lanes.

    1. galaxiapolizia

      + 1

      yes, and wait ’til they put up all those tacky high-voltage in-your-face
      Christmas decorations, with the ensuing cortege of rubberneckers
      in cars weaving and slowing to get a better gawk.

      (not lol… in fact)

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