Tag Archives: Junk Mail

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John Lawrence writes:

This piece of publicity post popped through the letterbox recently and almost, literally, scared the life out of me.

I have about 10 years to go before I reach my 50th anniversary and the notion that I should be thinking of prepping for my funeral by then is a bit spooky.

Is 50 the new 80 in Ireland now?

What got me feeling even more mortal was the spectre in the all smiling, middle class, family portrait in the top right. It appears grandfather is missing, having departed to his heavenly reward.

But lest we are in any doubt as to his absence, they put the invisible man in white, and left his paw hanging eerily on the shoulder of the daughter/daughter-in-law.

For any older vulnerable person worried about what they will leave to their family upon their demise, this unsolicited note from marketers could be a bit worrying.

But in fairness, the chance to win a free €2,000 holiday voucher, if you rang for a quote, would help those in the 50-75 camp to relax into death that bit easier.



Gavin Fogarty writes:

I live in Stoneybatter. This is just under two weeks worth of junk mail. I’m thinking of starting a take penny leave a penny system, where any politician who wants to leave me their info has to take another one I’ve already read away with them. Seems fair, no?! Also probably going to get a pizza rolly later. Whatever that is.