ZfhWoJQrefllnfEYQRED-3LBb1jBOS6_9jFejPynTVJpbmiI9aFzKLNWDSnNBCTvvFeb_hhKJ1jXTKEf9dpM0tyHCKJaEbupuEq6svt9aPcEPPWYn7IfRUmy=s0-d-e1-ftDas boot in Donegal dis morning.

The call was from a man with an English accent who was warning him that they were in the area [approximately 30 miles off the north west coast of Donegal.
…John [who took the image above] said: “The man we spoke to was a lad with an English accent and he wanted to know where we would be trawling.There could be more submarines out there but it could be the case that we simply don’t know they’re there.”



Fisherman Has Close Encounter With Submarine Off Donegal Coast (Donegal Daily)

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