For Your Consideration: That Bleedin Tic


Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 12.17.48

Rachel writes:

Not sure if you guys know about the KinoD International Kabaret happening this week in Dublin. It’s all about making films fast, with loads of really nice randomers. Here’s the one I did in 36 hours over the weekend.

Perhaps some of your readers and/or Michael Bolton fans might like it.

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8 thoughts on “For Your Consideration: That Bleedin Tic

  1. Mort

    S******, I couldn’t even watch it all, even worse than her last one “Scenesters”. People will be falling over themselves to celebrate this crap. But sure look, fair play to her. Not for me

    1. Violet

      That’s a fair point, but I don’t think that’s really the choice. These speed events are the difference between making a film fast and not making anything.

      In general, one of the best ways to make something good is to make lots of them. If you wait to be inspired with a masterpiece you won’t have the technical ability to handle it when it comes.

  2. Nellypop

    Quite funny i thought id watch that over Callan kicks anyday and fair play it looks like it took longer than 36hrs

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