Lovely Canvassers Needed



How do you win referenda?

Stuff ballots.

On the doorstep.

Peter McGuire writes:

So a lot of passionate Yes voters are on social media, but they’re either preaching to the choir or FIGHTing with no voters. This short video (above) shows how positive and uplifting canvassing can be

Research shows that canvassing is the single most effective way of engaging with voters. It seems daunting but it is hugely rewarding. Most people are friendly and there is huge support from other canvassers.

It would make a huge difference to the campaign if we can sign up another 200 canvassers by the end of the week.

May even be tay.

Enlist here

Video directed by Rory Bresnihan with music from Delorentos.



Emer shares what a secret-banishing yes vote would mean to her.

Part of Fianna Fáil’s #amoment4marriage campaign.

Thanks Martin Flanagan

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26 thoughts on “Lovely Canvassers Needed

  1. Slightly Bemused

    Thanks. You reminded me to put my ‘No Canvassers’ sign up. no point wasting their time when I already know how I want to vote. Let them go where their efforts are needed.

    1. Lu

      Canvassers note how you plan on voting in order to get an idea of how the campaign is going. If you really want to help out your side the best thing to do is to answer the door quickly and say ‘Good to see you but I won’t keep you, we’re all firm Yes/No voters here.’

      Given the emotive and personal nature of this referendum, I know that many on the Yes side need to hear every ‘Yes’ out there to balance the crap they are hearing from some corners.

      1. Lu

        Or just write it on a post it on your front window and avoid any chance social contact.

    2. Peter McGuire

      Not a bad idea and I appreciate the sentiment, but as someone out knocking on doors, a canvasser is likely to perceive that as hostility or a no. It would be much more helpful if you could answer the door and just let them know you’re voting yes, or even put up a Yes Equality sticker or some other indication of support.

    3. Slightly Bemused

      Sorry guys, was on a bus in a bad connectivity zone. Thanks for the feedback.

      To answer your comments, I make it a point of principle not to tell how I am going to vote. It is a little thing but I am familiar with the US system where how you vote gets tagged on to your profile for life. I therefore like the ability to protect my right to voting anonymity and exercise it as must as possible. This is not intended to be taken as hostility to anyone, but even if I talk to someone at the door they will go away not knowing how I will vote.
      Also, I work in a job where it is better if I do not show sides on anything, and you would be really surprised how little things like a sticker can come back to haunt you where you least expect it. For example, a friend of mine was wearing a Tá medallion entering a certain African country a short while ago and got hassled, as they understood it, and have anti-homosexuality laws.
      Finally, I do not just put ‘No Canvassers’ which I agree is very passive aggressive. I usually put a point saying that I have already made up my mind and do not wish to detain them, in what I hope is a polite way. And hopefully humourously to give them a chuckle.

      1. Lilly

        Do you have a CD licence plate by any chance? Otherwise your colleagues just think you’re ‘cute’.

      2. Nice Anne (Dammit)

        Wait, Africans speak Irish?
        The whole continent or just one of two specific countries?
        And understand there is a gay marriage referendum taking place in Ireland?
        They also know that that the Ta in Irish badge supports the Yes side?
        Wow, Fr. Ted was right, we are an international country.

  2. ahjayzis

    Raging I’m not home for this.

    Canvassers calling by to talk about getting wed would be such a great way to meet sexy guys >_<

      1. ahjayzis

        But they’re all bound to have attractive, politically-aware gay friends, Lilly. It’s all about networking ;o)

      1. Aunty Social Media

        @ Peter
        I agree, and isn’t that the very point of the first video?
        -It’s not enough to be a ‘keyboard-warrior’.

        But go easy on ahjayzis. He/She is doing what they can.
        I expect you are too.

      2. ahjayzis

        Au contraire, I fly in the night of the 21st! Costing me a fortune since it’s a bank holiday weekend over here >_<
        I meant home for the campaign!*

        *Which secretly I'm glad I'm missing, friends of mine are finding it miserable being topics of debate like aliens.

    1. Geoff

      In the yes equality shop on Stephen’s green, they’re looking for a donation for badges to keep the campaign going.

      1. Aunty Social Media

        The ‘NO’ campaign is falling apart.

        So far:
        -The couple featured in one of their posters have denounced* them.
        *(I’m using their language here, just in case any of them read this.)
        -The Catholic Church has threatened to stop doing Marriages.**.
        **That will be fun!

  3. delta V

    “Vote No” leafletters were turned away by wifey at the gate an hour ago; came back 5 mins later and posted their leaflet, despite the ‘no junk mail’ sticker. Never did this before, but went down the road after them and gave it back.

      1. Aunty Social Media

        @delta V
        I think you overestimate their organisational skills. It may very well have been a completely different canvasser for the NO vote who called to your house the second time.

        Answer the door next time. Engage with them, then pull them apart with truth and logic. It’s easy..


        Thank you.

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