8 thoughts on “I Did Not Know That

  1. Owen

    16. – Is it ironic I am sharing it?

    I think 16 is the statement of the last few years! Nail on the head. I’m fupping sick of friends on FB posting crap about global issues. Like I’m sitting there thinking ‘wow, this dude is clued in’.

  2. rotide

    In 2011 the Nigerian government handed out 60 million dollars to about 1200 entrepreneurs. Three years later there are hundreds of new companies, generating tons of profit and employing about 7000 new people. Some of the $50,000 grants were given out at random. “What if all the struggle to build infrastructure and services and other stuff was bullshit, and ALL ALONG we should have just been funnelling more cash to the middle and bottom?” [Chris Blattman]


  3. Eleanor Murphy

    ….”by 2022 China will need to import 19m-32m tonnes of corn. That equates to between a fifth and a third of the world’s entire trade in corn today.”
    Fascinating and terrifying!

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