Irlandés En Barcelona



Donal Quinn writes:

I know you dont normally do this but myself and some other Irish expats in Barcelona are looking to rebuild the Irish community here – it was hit hard by the crisis – and we were hoping you could give us a plug.

We’ve setup Irish In Barcelona. Its a simple email signup and we promise never to send more than four emails a year. We could do something more sophisticated but we hope that by keeping it low impact we will get a broad range of people signing up.

The newsletters will contain info about every Irish related event on in the city – business, social, sporting, cultural – the lot. It’s been up just over a week now and we have a slow but steady rate of signups. If you know anyone interested then please spread the word!

Irish In Barcelona

(Image: Qlik Dev Group)

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11 thoughts on “Irlandés En Barcelona

  1. Daddy Wilson

    This group already exists several times over.
    There is not a gap in the market for you.

  2. Owen McKay

    Lads, chip in and buy a large bottle of cop on for yourselves. And if they’ve none there then just give each other a slap in the head.

  3. Murtles

    Hop down to Flahertys Bar there in the Joaquim Xirau Plaza of a Saturday night, tis wall to wall Paddys and Paddettes*

    *Disclaimer : Per Dr Google

  4. Tish Mahorey

    “Irish expats ”

    You’re not an expat. You’re an emigrant.It isn’t the British Raj. Get over yourselves.

    1. Brother Barnabas

      An “expat” is someone who lives outside their native country.

      An “ar$ehole” is someone like you.

  5. Zara

    Tonight Friday 6th May: Danny O’Brien is in town, stand-up comedy at Shamrock bar. For all those interested in the craic!

  6. Gary

    Four times a year? So events will have to be notified to you up to 3 months in advance. Oh dear…

  7. Spagnolia von Hoop

    Lads, don’t set up a group apologising for it, set up events first and the group will form itself. If I was emailed four times a year and asked to attend the AGM of the Irish Society on a Wednesday evening I would find an excuse not to go. If I got a tweet/message about a fun pub quiz/5-aside/art exhibition/ceilli/happy hour etc be it for charity or just the craic, I’m there.

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