21 thoughts on “Meanwhile, In Sandycove

  1. steve k

    The borough is full of little englanders. its practically like a little part of the home counties. they drink a lot of tea, play hockey and have thin lips.

      1. Kolmo

        Nope. There is a grain of truth in the above excretion – There is a monument dedicated to the head of state and head of a government that presided over the deaths of a million people and the land clearances of another million and the retardation of our society to this very day situated less than a mile from Sandycove. Either some locals are historically oblivious (hopefully) or actual neo-unionists reside in that region who consider the above as an act of providence

        1. Steve

          @kolmo we all partied.

          Here here to the little Englanders of SoCoDu. Kinda getting bored of Sinn Fein /PIRA using 2016 as an excuse to hang their hero worship bullsh@t on every lamppost. They should be fined for littering.

    1. On The Buses

      And there is nothing honestly revisionist about the current hero worship happening around Casement all of a sudden?

  2. Jake38

    Not sure it was West Britishness. Might have been homophobia.

    Might just have been someone who has had enough of the Roger Casement hipster beard/short hair combo?

  3. mauriac

    a link to an innocuous and interesting article on Casement removed twice . What’s with the inexplicable censorship Broadsheet ?

      1. sǝɯǝɯʇɐpɐq

        * I am not an associate of Broadsheet, and the above is just MY interpretation of the rules.
        Basically I’m just not a ʇoᴉpᴉ ƃuᴉʞɔnɟ.. I wouldn’t try the same thing twice and expect different results.

  4. Shayna


    There are indications that Casement was gay. I know it sounds like a “So What?” these days, but back then – it was illegal, viewed as immoral, etc… He just happened to screw up The Rising with the seizure of his boat. I’m not sure what’s going on in Sandycove, but when I was a kid I’d spend summers the road in Killiney, it was a great spot until my Dad’s mate was shot dead there by the IRA.
    I think for a country renowned for poets, saints and scholars, there’s little regard or respect for people who helped shape the country we now have. De-facing Casement posters is simply bad form.

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