16 thoughts on “Audi TiT

  1. Neilo

    Poor parking, no doubt, but the spaces look to be a fair old distance away from the entrance of the shopping centre. What say we call this an honourable draw and reserve our ire for things actually worth the aggro?

  2. Donger

    These angled spaces on one way systems are designed to make it easy to park and they do make it easy.
    Reversing into these angled spaces is not so easy yet many seem to attempt and fail

  3. Boomskiddaboom

    Parking spaces in general are way too small for the size of cars these days. Not condoning this act, but they need to widen parking spaces in general. Probably won’t happen with multi-storey but any in the car parks of shopping centres can be re-aligned.

      1. Neilo

        A shocking deviation from the norm there, Dav. It isn’t like you to stereotype people by the things they own.

        1. dav

          I can only say, from personal experience, that any time I have been the brunt off or (to my shame) displayed road rage it has been with audis and their drivers.

  4. Murtles

    Probably a 161 or 162 Audi. If I owned it I’d probably do the same at a shopping centre as the amount of ar*sholes that are about who ding cars with their trolleys is exceptionally high nowadays.

  5. spudnick

    Wonder if this style of parking has become more commonplace in proportion to new PCP car sales. Having a car on a PCP plan would mean you’re permanently freaked about the smallest scratch affecting the final value.

    1. Neilo

      It probably has, spudnick: I’m pure para about getting any dings in my own motor for this precise reason.

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