The Garda Whistleblower Play




And tomorrow night.

In the Peacock stage of the Abbey Theatre, at 8pm.

As part of the theatre’s What’s Happening Now series.

A play about Garda whistleblowers, called A Whisper Anywhere Else, by Jimmy Murphy. To wit:

Ireland is about to embark on another tribunal. The Disclosures Tribunal. Once again we are investigating Garda corruption and malpractice. It is our third tribunal in 40 years. But this one is different. Because this time, it’s members of the Gardaí who have made the complaints.

Through public sources and testimonies Jimmy Murphy examines the treatment of Garda whistleblowers and the dark underbelly of Irish society. From 4-6 May 2017, cast includes Lorcan Cranitch, Pauline McLynn and Sophie Jo Wasson.

Each performance will be followed by a discussion giving the opportunity for the audience to participate, ask questions and shape the development of the show.


Conor, who saw the play last night, writes:

Some staggering revelations in it. I presume everything that happened in it is true, for instance, Gardai keeping smuggled suitcases of cocaine for themselves and then having dealers sell it for them!

Listen to a 12-minute interview with Jimmy Murphy on RTE Arena here

Previously: The Thin Blue Timeline [Updated]

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